Last week we reported on DC Universe Online’s latest method for driving up interest and intrigue for its next series of content updates with the vehicle of narrative-focused short stories, the first of which starting off with Batman’s chase for clues to solve a murder mystery. Daybreak’s Dimensional Ink has now continued that story this week, adding a few new details and a new player to the yarn: the occult hunter and investigator Constantine.
The story sees Constantine tipped off to the killings occurring in Gotham City, primarily because of a tip from Detective Chimp about the killings involving someone specifically targeting magic users of all kinds. This leads Constantine to investigate the scene of the latest crime, where he finds evidence of a magical fight and is accosted by Batman as they both share their findings – namely that superpowered individuals are the victims, not only magic users.
The story appears to be moving towards Metropolis, as the killer hasn’t taken down any new victims in 72 hours after a series of nightly killings in Gotham City, which leads our heroes into assuming they’ve left for new hunting grounds. As the story’s title reads, the game is very much afoot.