Star Citizen’s chief strategy officer publicly resigns from his post at CIG


This news will either be part of another slate of bad omens for developers working on Star Citizen or is just another shuffling of executives that ultimately has no impact on normal lives. Either way, we can confirm that CIG’s chief strategy officer, Carl Jones, has officially resigned from the company.

Jones ends a decade of working for the studio, giving no reason for his departure beyond his desire to “explore new galaxies” while speaking highly of his time at CIG and also heralding his professional accomplishments. “I leave a great company that will continue to surprise and disrupt the games industry – and while they will continue to have detractors, I am very proud of my time there and I love and appreciate the many people I was lucky to work with, and watch grow into world class talent,” reads part of his statement.

The confirmation of an executive vacating his position as well as recent job postings for senior dev positions at CIG is perhaps most interesting when taking into account a reported series of layoffs for three top-level executives and movement of other high-level devs to different roles according to anonymous sources who spoke with Insider Gaming. The shuffling of personnel is reportedly part of CIG’s “laser focus” on getting Squadron 42 and Star Citizen’s 1.0 release complete according to a referenced internal memo, while Jones was removed from CIG’s list of leadership roles in late December according to the Internet Archive.

sources: LinkedIn via Reddit, LinkedIn, Insider Gaming, thanks to Felix for the tip! This article was amended after publication to correct Jones’ title; he was the Chief Strategy Officer, not Chief Sustainability Officer (thanks Noizy!).
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