This week sees yet another gaggle of updates for every version of Black Desert, yet they’re a little bit all over the map in a general sense. Still, there’s new things and new adjustments for every type of player of this MMORPG, so let’s dig right in.
We start with the PC version and its introduction of preonne accessories, which sit above manos accessories in terms of gear power and can be earned by exchanging manos accessories that are at certain levels. The patch has also raised the life mastery cap from 2,000 to 3,000 with new life mastery gear to match, tweaked mole appearance rates, added new item stack features, and applied a few fixes. Pearl Abyss also engaged hot time benefits for New Year’s after holding it back to observe a period of mourning for an airline crash.
Over on console, the time for players to nab themselves a mythical horse is now thanks to some freebie boxes being handed out. The console version has also opened a new season server for players to power through the leveling experience and applied some changes to a few of the MMO’s classes, a fairy-based PvE buff, and entry into the Pit of Undying.
Last but not least, BDO Mobile has focused on PvP adjustments, specifically nerfs to distance-based damage reduction that effectively makes ranged characters hurt targets a bit harder. The patch also opens a new Hall of the Glorious Paragon hub that can be accessed by characters with 10K CP, improves the memory imprint menu, and fixes some errors.