Throne & Liberty’s lunar new year celebration and currency tab were supposed to go live today, but…


(We’ve updated the end of this article with the latest status as of Thursday night.)

Throne & Liberty is launching its 1.13.0 update this morning, meaning the Lunar New Year celebration will soon be officially underway. Servers went offline just after midnight this morning as Amazon began patching in extremely important content like a “giant cobra statue in every village.” Oh, we’re just teasing, though not about the giant cobra statue thing – that’s for real.

“Join the Lunar Celebration event after maintenance completes on January 23 until the start of maintenance on February 5 for event-specific daily login rewards,” Amazon says. “Gather New Year Coins from various activities and then exchange your spoils at the event store for unique loot, including a Food Coma emote, Fortune’s Chosen title, and Wisdom Seeker Profile frame.”

Coins can then be spent on a range of rewards, including emotes, titles, profile frames, and even training dew. If you’re not into holiday grinding, then you can at least go interact with the event NPC and pick up some free buffs.

The patch includes a bunch of bug fixes and quality-of-life perks, as well, including the new currency tab, new guild buffs, a bigger rune bag, a stat-editing feature, map adjustments, and a two-hour shift in the weekly content reset timer.

Do note that while the servers were meant to be back online by the time this article is going live, they aren’t, as Amazon reportedly encountered “issues” and extended the downtime by “several hours.”

Still having issues tonight.

Update 1/24
Finally up as of Friday morning.

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