When Microsoft spent billions to buy out Activision-Blizzard (and then carved that cost out of the hide of its workforce), many gamers were salivating at the idea that World of Warcraft would be among the Blizzard games added to PC Game Pass. That presumption appeared to have been confirmed when an email started landing in people’s inboxes this week, but that turns out to have been nothing but a bouquet of whoopsie-daisies instead.
The marketing email lauded WoW’s Plunderstorm activity, had a link to join Game Pass, and perhaps most confusingly, had a subject line that literally invited Game Pass members to play the MMORPG. This lit a tinderbox of excitement as gamers started wishing for things like a consolidation of other MMO subs into one package and a launch of WoW on console.
Unfortunately, an official reply from Microsoft on Twitter dashed those hopes on the rocks. “This was a mistake on our end. Sorry for the confusion!” the response reads. “Blizzard’s World of Warcraft was accidentally included in a game pass email even though it’s not available with the service – a correction email will be sent to those who got the original email soon.” So no, it doesn’t look like WoW on Game Pass is going to be a thing. At least not right now.