The Division 2 celebrates Valentine’s Day with new projects and themed gear


You would be forgiven for thinking Valentine’s Day and the looter shooter setting of The Division 2 wouldn’t really mesh, but you would apparently be wrong, as Ubisoft is indeed blending the season of love and a game about gunning down terrorist factions in a recently added event.

The Valentine’s Event Project Chain tasks players with completing six new projects in order to net various rewards like caches, a new backpack, a new mask, and a named weapon. The only restriction for the event is that characters have to have unlocked the project system to begin with, but otherwise this event is on until February 18th.

Other additions in the patch include a triple XP event running until the 11th and a wide assortment of fixes to modifiers, manhunts, gear, and more. It’s no Battle for Brooklyn DLC, but it is something, especially if you want a fancy mask.

sources: Trello, Twitter (1, 2)
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