The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the most annoying inventory situations?

We stan a king.

Hi, my name is Bree, and I love to organize things. I genuinely love figuring out storage solutions for stuff, in real life and in video games. I just find tremendous satisfaction in finding ways to store stuff that looks good and functions well and matches. And so many MMOs work very well for my brain because they are so focused on inventory management! My family (and in the past, my guildies!) even let me log into their MMO accounts to organize them and get their inventories and houses in shape.

But some games take it way too far, and the minigame I’m being asked to play isn’t “inventory management” but “inventory liquidation,” which is often the opposite of satisfying. The game’s only rule is that I will never have enough space. I’m not just moving things to smarter locations; I’m just constantly out of room and having to throw stuff overboard. Nothing is permanent except for the feeling that nothing is permanent when I am constantly having to delete something.

I hate it. And if I’m brutally honest with myself, it’s one of the reasons I set Project Gorgon aside last year. When I started playing and got obsessed, the game had temporarily expanded everyone’s inventory by 100 slots as a seasonal gift. When that ended and I went back to inventory crunching, it definitely crushed my spirit to keep going, and all the town inventory and even the pack horse I bought with my donation/fee didn’t help much. (I don’t particularly enjoy dumping on Gorgon, mind you, and it’s still one of my favorite MMOs. It’s just an example that hit me specifically hard.)

Which MMOs have the most annoying inventory situations? And how would you go about fixing them?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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