Old School RuneScape celebrates 12 years in-game with digital cake and a deviled eggs-loving imp guy


What do deviled eggs, a guy named Dave, and a twelfth birthday have in common? They’re the ingredients being thrown into the stew pot of Old School RuneScape’s 12th anniversary celebration in-game, which promises all of those things and digital birthday cake. Naturally.

The festivities await players within the Party Room in Falador, which is where Deviled Dave awaits, a “sneaky-looking man with an insatiable appetite for deviled eggs and all things impish.” This NPC will be the person to speak with in order to get this year’s celebratory reward that let characters dress up in an imp costume as well as unlock prior anniversary cosmetics. Players can also nab themselves a piece of birthday cake to heal some HP.

The latest patch has also introduced some new combat achievements for the Royal Titans boss fight for those looking to challenge themselves, as well as updates to clan login tracking, magic guild portals, and improvements to the collection log and trailblazer toolkits.

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