Team Fortress 2 updates its SDK to effectively make the shooter highly moddable and customizable


Who here had “big news coming out of Team Fortress 2 in 2025″ on their bingo card? Yeah, neither did we, but big news has indeed come from the seminal FPS as Valve has updated its SDK to include all of the game’s client and server code, which effectively has made the game open source.

“This update will allow content creators to build completely new games based on TF2. […] Unlike the Steam Workshop or local content mods, this SDK gives mod makers the ability to change, extend or rewrite TF2, making anything from small tweaks to complete conversions possible.”

Valve further clarifies that this new SDK is licensed out on a non-commercial basis, meaning that any mod makers who utilize this new code must make their creations completely free for others to use, but anything made in this manner will arrive to Steam as entirely new games. Finally, Valve has confirmed that it is also adding 64-bit binary support, a scalable HUD/UI, prediction fixes, and other improvements to its other Source engine games. In short, expect a whole lot of new TF2-adjacent content soon, if not entirely new games.

source: official site, thanks to Clowd for the tip!
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