The most recent dev blog from Anvil Empires is once more about some pretty specific additions to its test build, and while things like signs and an ore crusher might not make immense waves, it is another showcase of how the medieval war MMO is striding forth.
This time around, Siege Camp is providing a look at communication tools that players can use including map posts and signs, both of which will probably strike familiar to players of the studio’s other war MMO; that means players can upvote or downvote these posts in order to extend or shorten their in-game lifespan and sign posts have three different model designs.
Other additions showcased in the post include armor racks for storing armor, a new smashing plate buildable for processing ore, and improvements to existing things like drying racks, vehicles, and bed upgrading.
Meanwhile, closed testing for the game continues to slide along, with the most recent occurring earlier this month: Players were apparently encouraged to lay siege to one another as the studio ensured game stability, and things were active enough that the game’s Twitter account shared some screenshots. And hey, armor racks.