Who wants to fool around? What about goofing? Making merry? Joshing? You know, getting up to some antics? The Elder Scrolls Online is one of the few games that makes this an entire thing with the Jester’s Festival, and that comes around once again on March 27th. Those who seek to get up to some antics will find themselves receiving a 100% experience buff, so leveling itself doesn’t need to be taken quite so seriously. Take it a little more flippantly! It’s cool, it’s all cool.
Those who want a few more laughs in the game – perhaps a chuckle or two, maybe even some yuks or guffaws – are encouraged to complete more event festivities for a variety of themed rewards, all of which will let you tell the whole game that you are not to be taken seriously. But, like, in a deliberate way. The cool way. Don’t get bent out of shape about it; can’t you take a joke? Just be sure to get everything you want from the event before April 3rd, or your incomplete goals will leave you as a punchline.