Dungeon Fighter Online opens new instances, refines combat, and raises level cap in Sunken Depths update


It’s time for a new season in 2-D brawler MMO Dungeon Fighter Online, and this new update most definitely brings on the “dungeon” and “fighter” part of the game’s name with multiple new dungeons and system updates. It is also still “online,” so we suppose all three parts of the game’s name remain accurate.

Season 9 Act 1: Sunken Depths introduces multiple new dungeons of varying difficulties, including six normal dungeons, two gold dungeons, three advanced dungeons, and two versions of the Disciple of Doom instance that are designed around gear farming.

Multiple gameplay and combat updates have landed with the patch as well, such as a level cap raise to 115 with associated gear and set points to match; systems that ensure consistent farming rewards; several UI improvements related to buff icons, skill trees, boss health, and the win screen; and some party-finding features that include a recommended dungeons window. The patch also has a round of tuning for abilities and items.

While the game’s new season has recently arrived, DFO is also marking its 10th anniversary through April with a number of events for players along with a couple of cash shop sales for those who are looking to buy themselves a little gift.

sources: press release, official site, Steam
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