Echoes of Elysium unveils a standalone airship builder, Bellwright confirms launch on Xbox


Snail Games USA wasn’t focused only on its major dino survival sandbox at GDC this year; it also had some new reveals for airship-focused survivalbox Echoes of Elysium and co-op survivalbox Bellwright, both of which are published by the company – and both of which made trailer reveals.

First up, Elysium will release a standalone airship builder that promises to let players clap together the sky-sailing craft of their dreams without restrictions (and also had a demo earlier this month). The game will utilize the same mechanics that will be in the full game once it makes its unannounced release and will even let players transfer their designs into the game.

Next is word of Bellwright’s upcoming release to the Xbox console sometime in the fourth quarter of this year. Details on this console release, such as whether it will have crossplay functionality or not, have not been shared yet, but there is at least the aforementioned trailer to whet console survivalbox fans’ appetite.

sources: press release, YouTube (1, 2), Twitter, Steam
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