As the summer season rolls forward over the next two months, Amazon Games is planning to provide a little help to Lost Ark players who might feel like they’re eternally trapped in the beginning tiers of endgame, with a variety of updates coming to progression for tiers one through three over the course of July and August.
The July update will start things off by slightly raising the success rate of honing for multiple gear levels as well as add a wandering merchant who sells stepping stone cards. Other quality-of-life changes include letting characters in the same roster trade ability stones and accessories to each other without a pheon cost (though such trades will still count to the number of times those items can be traded), battle items becoming roster bound, and replacing material requirements to craft relic Brelshaza gear with the phantom intentions currency from the normal version of the raid.
The bulk of early endgame progression updates come in August. There are multiple items outlined here, but here are a few highlights:
- Tiers one and two will be consolidated with a lowered item level requirement through tier two.
- T1 and T2 weapons will will be changed into T2 weapons.
- Insta-kill mechanics in lower level abyssal dungeons are being removed.
- Guardian raids will get updated entry level requirements and rewards.
On top of that, the engraving system will unlock at level 50, and T3 will see further squishing of requirements and item levels, while enhancement costs will be eased and drop rates will improve in certain instances.
In terms of events, both July and August will bring back the Maharaka Festival summertime location, complete with new events and returning activities, while August will kick off yet another Powerpass handout and an upgraded Hyper Express event. As you can see, there are a lot of plans being put forth for the next couple of months, which will hopefully help players feel like they’re not spinning their wheels at level cap.