Final Fantasy XIV continues to offer new Endwalker stories to players

Hey, dudes.

Every year, Final Fantasy XIV offers players a set of short fiction pieces on the site for the game’s anniversary, exploring little spaces that are otherwise easy to overlook. And for the second week in a row, a new story has gone up on the official site as part of the Tales under the New Moon series… which is actually unusual, since the game’s anniversary was back in August and the full set of anniversary stories ostensibly wrapped up then. But no, this year it’s continuing in December, it turns out.

The first two stories have covered Lahabrea and the Twelve (separately, not together), filling in some extra details for fans who completed Endwalker’s raid series and alliance raid fights. They’re not going to blow your mind, but if you’re looking for a bit more information about what these characters were doing during known intervals of the story, they’re well worth checking out. Two more are scheduled to be released, so keep your eyes peeled for those as well.

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