Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Shadow Arena’s closed beta test has officially begun – are you trying it out?

Shadow Arena, Pearl Abyss' one-time battle royale mode for MMORPG Black Desert, officially hits closed beta today as a standalone title. "Shadow Arena pits 40...
Please don't be horrible?

Blue Protocol aims for Japan first, the world after – confirming western arrival

With closed beta on the way, excitement and anticipation is building for the anime-styled Blue Protocol. But when will it come out -- and,...

Digital Foundry’s latest Star Citizen tour examines SOCS, procedural damage, and more

If nothing else, Star Citizen is a game that loves the finer details that give players a sense of space and simulation, but some...

Book of Travels’ first dev blog covers multiplayer endeavours

Despite (or perhaps, because of) being a small, quiet title, Book of Travels is one of our most anticipated MMOs for 2020. As they...
To sink beneath.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues its march of encrypted alpha builds

In the abstract sense, it's really not unheard of that we as of yet don't know more about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It's not all that...

Diablo IV team dishes on inventory revamp, PC vs. console UI layout, and cannibals

Blizzard's just dropped a "quarterly update" for Diablo 4, the first of apparently more planned blog posts from the team, this one focused on...

Temtem eyes a trading hall, console port, hardcore mode, and cosmetics cash shop by summer 2021

Yesterday, Crema dropped a big roadmap for Pokemon-esque MMO-lite Temtem. Deeming it the "short-term" plan, the studio elaborated on competitive matchmaking, spectator mode, chat...

New World may consider bringing back gankbox elements, talks up its uniqueness

Amazon Game Studios did an interview with IGN this week about New World that's part puzzler, part eyebrow-raiser, part declaration of war. First, remember how...

Preloading is live for Bless Unleashed’s headstart launch this afternoon

Neowiz is about to try again-again with the Bless franchise, as Bless Unleashed rolls into headstart today. Well, it starts today if you shelled...

Project Gorgon details the upcoming Fairy advanced race and brainstorms about player housing

Some exciting changes are on the way to Project Gorgon in the near and long term. Soon, players will be able to try out...

Temtem’s roadmap reveals chat, guild, matchmaking updates – and player housing in 2020

Last week, amid announcing 500,000 sales of Temtem, Crema teased that it'd be dropping a full roadmap for the game's development through early access....

EVE Echoes has been ‘hindered’ by the coronavirus but will launch in ‘late 2020’

With CCP Games seemingly trying to sneak game cancelations under the radar, you might be wondering what's going on with EVE Echoes. The EVE...

Space colony sim MMO SEED offers a look at how its AI operates

Alessia Nigretti, one of the AI engineers of the in-development space colonization MMO SEED, seems pretty happy about her job and eager to share...

Mad World interviews its writing team and further fleshes out its universe

With a game title like Mad World, you probably expect a lot of things to have gone wrong. Part of getting that sensation is...
Ah... huh.

Bless Unleashed details head start events for founder’s pack purchasers

If you're invested in the launch of Bless Unleashed to the point that you bought a founder's pack for the game, then you're not...

Fight or Kite: New World’s switcheroo is the best thing that could have happened for PvPers

About a month ago, Amazon’s large age of conquest MMO, New World, announced a huge shift in focus from a free-for-all, full-loot PvP game...

Torchlight III discusses adjustments being made to combat, skill progression, and harvesting

With Torchlight III firmly in its current phase of alpha, the folks at Echtra Games are keen to address some of the major points...

Make My MMO: Temtem’s 500K sales, Kickstarter’s union, Elite’s lore debate

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Temtem studio Crema announced that it has officially sold over 500,000 copies of the game across the globe -...

Ship of Heroes grants a look a new Martial Arts melee powerset in a video

It takes a special kind of superhero to go into a fight against the forces superheroes face with nothing but your fists and feet,...

Betawatch: Crowfall hands out rewards, guides people in necromancy, and covers race disciplines

Darn it, Crowfall, could you be bothered to have a unifying theme this week? Look, it's good that you're giving out monthly rewards to backers,...