Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Mad World interviews its writing team and further fleshes out its universe

With a game title like Mad World, you probably expect a lot of things to have gone wrong. Part of getting that sensation is...
Ah... huh.

Bless Unleashed details head start events for founder’s pack purchasers

If you're invested in the launch of Bless Unleashed to the point that you bought a founder's pack for the game, then you're not...

Fight or Kite: New World’s switcheroo is the best thing that could have happened for PvPers

About a month ago, Amazon’s large age of conquest MMO, New World, announced a huge shift in focus from a free-for-all, full-loot PvP game...

Torchlight III discusses adjustments being made to combat, skill progression, and harvesting

With Torchlight III firmly in its current phase of alpha, the folks at Echtra Games are keen to address some of the major points...

Make My MMO: Temtem’s 500K sales, Kickstarter’s union, Elite’s lore debate

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Temtem studio Crema announced that it has officially sold over 500,000 copies of the game across the globe -...

Ship of Heroes grants a look a new Martial Arts melee powerset in a video

It takes a special kind of superhero to go into a fight against the forces superheroes face with nothing but your fists and feet,...

Betawatch: Crowfall hands out rewards, guides people in necromancy, and covers race disciplines

Darn it, Crowfall, could you be bothered to have a unifying theme this week? Look, it's good that you're giving out monthly rewards to backers,...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen takes a tour of the Faerthale region in a livestream

That Faerthale gameplay look we were promised has arrived. The new area is the focus of the latest livestream from Pantheon: Rise of the...

Star Citizen explores microTech’s moons and Anvil Carrack as the Crytek lawsuit reaches a settlement

Another week, another Inside Star Citizen. This time, we're continuing the three-part look at development work on microTech's moons and given a room-by-room tour...
Commence the jiggling.

Blue Protocol is going to be free-to-play on launch

Those of you eagerly following news about the upcoming cel-shaded Blue Protocol may be happy to know that the game now has a planned business...
Zero, zero, zero, Ted Danson.

Interview: Population Zero devs on the May Steam launch, buy-to-play, and PvP philosophy

Survival MMORPG Population Zero is officially launching on Steam in early May, Enplex Games announced today. As part of the reveal, the studio's also...

Minecraft MMORPG Hegemony has been delayed from its weekend launch

We've been covering indie Minecraft MMORPG Hegemony all week, and if you were as intrigued by it as we were, you know it was...
Past something, sure.

Past Fate starts its open alpha on February 24 following Kickstarter cancelation

At long last, Past Fate is entering its open alpha testing on February 24th. "How is this possible?" you ask, before clarifying that the...
Agony and sorrow.

Crowfall takes a closer look at character race disciplines

Racial passives in MMOs are a bit of a dying system, but Crowfall is bringing them back with racial disciplines, which were the subject...

Interview: Pearl Abyss on Shadow Arena’s Black Desert origins, esports, audience, and more

Along with battle royale fans and Black Desert players, we've been keeping an eye on Pearl Abyss' Shadow Arena, the one-time battle royale mode...

New World details its semi-instanced player housing system

Amazon knows the best way to make me set aside my worries about New World: a dev blog on player housing. Will it work?...
You look trustworthy, join our party!

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has an encrypted alpha build out now

Blizzard would probably like it if people stopped talking about how the latest World of Warcraft patch is not very good, or how Warcraft III: Reforged...

The Daily Grind: Are you concerned about the launch of Amazon’s New World?

Not quite a year ago, when Amazon took New World out of alpha and back to the drawing board, I posed almost this exact...

Hegemony promises its economy is ‘truly equal in playing field’

Worried that coming in late to the crafting and economic game of Hegemony will put you at a disadvantage to those who have been...
Isn't it necromantic?

Crowfall offers a two-hour tutorial on digging up graves and practical necromancy

If you've ever longed for the option to look on your crafting interface and see the option to assemble a higher quality arm for...