
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Star Wars: The Old Republic is testing easier acquisition and upgrades for Masterwork gear

The designers on Star Wars: The Old Republic aren't totally happy with some quirks of the Masterwork gearing system at the moment. It's too...

Even Blizzard was amused by the URL prankster who forwarded Diablo fans to Path of Exile

One of the fun sideshows going on during the whole BlizzCon Diablo Immortal center-ring fiasco was the dude who bought the domain and...

Legends of Aria is open to all gamers to test freely this weekend

If you're struggling to find something new and MMOsy to play this holiday, maybe give Legends of Aria a go. The classic-inspired MMORPG formerly...
Still crazy after all these years.

The Daily Grind: What great MMO grouping experiences have you had lately?

One gaming night that I look forward to every week is Friday evening, because I know that then I'll be dropping all other MMO...
So... great?

Warface hits 5 million console players

It turns out that a lot of people with consoles will see a title like Warface and say "yeah, that sounds like a good...

Path of Exile elaborates on the changes coming to Hideouts with its next major update

The next big update for Path of Exile will shake things up for hideouts. No longer will you be deprived of your carefully crafted...

Star Trek Online community stands divided over a Reddit protest targeting game issues

The Star Trek Online community is in uproar today after a popular subreddit was taken private by its mods in protest over problems with...

Red Dead Redemption 2 has shriveling horse balls, but your own toon’s got nothin’, nude mod reveals

While you bide your time waiting for Red Dead Online's beta, you can always hop into the real game, Red Dead Nudes. Sorry, I...
Mean elf.

Activision draws heat over ignoring accessibility requirements as its stock continues tumbling

It's safe to say that Activision Blizzard took a bit of a drubbing after BlizzCon (you could read all about it on your cell...

Digital card game Artifact hurries to address player consternation over its business model

You may remember Artifact as Valve's entry into the digital card game market, with plans to have no moderation and no way of obtaining...
Who Mourns For Self-Declared Adonis?

Cliff Bleszinski states he’s never making another game

If you had been hoping to see what Cliff Bleszinski (Cliffy B to those who don't like typing out surnames) was going to do...

Elite: Dangerous guild adopts sea cow, presumably plans to take it to space

The manatee, commonly known as a sea cow, are herbivorous marine animals known mainly for being so ugly that they're cute, coming into conflict...

Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts: ‘No one is attempting to do what we are doing’

As we noted on Saturday, Star Citizen hit $200 million in crowdfunding - and that prompted a letter from the chairman penned by Chris...
weedle weedle weeeeeeee

The Daily Grind: Do you consistently pick the same classes and playstyles in MMOs?

Justin and I kicked off last week's podcast discussing our favorite character class playstyles, and I... kind of got carried away gushing about my...

The Stream Team: Healing and leveling in Final Fantasy XIV

With the Final Fantasy Fan Festival's reveals fresh on his mind, Massively OP's Chris is ready to play a whole lot of catch-up on...
Vendi ad me frat

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Naoki Yoshida explains patch 4.5 and Blue Mage in the newest live letter

After Friday's keynote, Naoki Yoshida made it fairly clear that Final Fantasy XIV fans would not hear anything further about the contents planned for the...

One Shots: Take me home, country roads

I can't tell if Deekay Plus' headlining shot from Fallout 76 here is that of a gorgeous West Virginia sunrise -- or an in-progress...
Faires past

The Daily Grind: What are your reactions to this year’s Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest?

Game-specific conventions are always a wild ride. Square-Enix didn't have to spend the past few days wowing people who had no idea about what...
(Not nearly) 'nuff said!

Champions Online pays tribute to Stan Lee with new in-game cosmetic

Champions Online was just one of the many superhero MMOs that came out to pay their respects to comics legend Stan Lee after news...

The Stream Team: More getting lost in ARK: Extinction

When we last left Massively OP's Chris, he had inadvertently become ARK: Survival Extinction's greatest hide-and-seek master as he tried to come to grips...