
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

We all live in a potentially messy world.

CCP calls NetEase EVE Online partnership a ‘new era for internet spaceships in China’

NetEase is making bold moves this summer. First it threatened to sue battle royale clones in retaliation for PUBG Corp.'s lawsuit. Then it dropped...

Global Chat: The ‘We Don’t Play World of Warcraft’ Club

What do you do when you don't play World of Warcraft but everyone else all around you does and won't stop talking about it...
Guk never left

EverQuest II launches Return to Guk

As it turns out, a lot of adventurers in EverQuest II's world have traveled to the ruins of Guk over the years. Sure, the...

Star Citizen fans raise pay-to-win objections over removal of in-game currency stockpiling cap

Our inbox exploded last night with Star Citizen tips, and that can mean only one thing: money shenanigans. In-game money, that is, but this...
This went over great.

World of Warcraft fans are not happy with the latest story developments, some try to cope through harassment

So yesterday's latest bit of story in World of Warcraft did not, in fact, delight and amaze fans. Quite the opposite. Reactions on the...
lol newb

The Daily Grind: Is Fallout 76 an MMO?

We all know that the definition of "MMORPG" and "MMO" have been stretched, twisted, and interpreted in vastly different ways over the years based...
Doooo not care

Overwatch League finals did not draw eyes on ESPN

The Overwatch League finals were broadcast on ESPN, but odds are that if you watched them you did so on Twitch or other streaming...
For you it's all in a day.

Final Fantasy XI plans new content for its August update

Do you want to fight Iroha in Final Fantasy XI? Of course not, she's a perfect darling and wonderful. But fighting her is one...
among the fields of gold

Rend is hitting Early Access today

It's time to try a different sort of survival sandbox with the launch of Rend's Early Access today. You can pick up the game's...

The Daily Grind: Are you actually using Steam’s new chat and group features?

Last week, Steam pushed live the changes to its social features it first announced back in June. As we wrote at the time, its...

Gigantic’s last matches are now playing out ahead of tomorrow’s sunset

There will be no stay of execution for the gorgeous MOBA Gigantic, as PWE has put up a countdown clock for the game's final...

Diablo franchise history book Stay Awhile and Listen nears the end of its Kickstarter

Has it really been a month since we covered Stay Awhile and Listen, the second volume in David Craddock's history of Blizzard's development of...

Worlds Adrift announces its first player council, says the playerbase will pick the next round

Longtime MMORPG fans will know that the concept of player councils and senates, liaisons between the playerbase and the developers, have long been a...
It'd be nice.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s housing issues (other than availability)

When we talk about issues with Final Fantasy XIV's housing system, the first issue that's going to be brought up - invariably - is...
Punch punch punch and nothing changes.

There are no more PvP servers in World of Warcraft

It finally happened. After years of people claiming that it was happening whenever any change was made to PvP servers that the complainer didn't...

TERA decides on mass console server merges for August

The console boom for TERA looks like it is over. After cruising to an impressive two million players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4...
Cool times.

Paragon Chat now features City of Heroes supergroup base building, complete with import

If you're wondering what that sound is echoing over the horizon, it's just every City of Heroes fan freaking out about the return of...
Well, bye.

God Eater Online is shutting down in September

Sadly, it does not seem that God Eater Online really talks much about the experience of turning deific entities into snacks. If you were...

One Shots: Dancing in the dark

When the lights go down, the party animals come out, dancing to their dark gods and eating all of the really good snacks before...

The Daily Grind: What would you do if you could reboot any live MMO?

It's kind of crazy to me that Final Fantasy XIV is not only still running but is successful, has a thriving population and a...