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No elf.

Blizzard shows off the remodeled Night Elves for Warcraft III: Reforged

Warcraft III: Reforged might have missed its initial launch date of "by the end of 2019," but not by much; the game is still...
Ah, good, backstory.

World of Warcraft launches patch 8.3, Visions of N’Zoth, today

Who's feeling downright crazy today? It's the day for crazy in World of Warcraft with the launch of patch 8.3, Visions of N'Zoth, concluding the Battle for...

One Shots: Worse homes and gardens

Probably the only thing that is holding me back from embracing a career as a lifelong mega-villain is that I can't conform to the...

Fallout 76 previews Wastelanders’ City of the Future, preps weekend double XP

OK, Fallout 76, it's a new year, a new decade, and hopefully a new you, with your many 2019 trainwrecks behind us, Fallout First...

Amazon’s New World shares a scrapbook’s worth of pictures

Whether or not Amazon's New World will actually make its projected May 2020 launch is a matter of constant debate in the Massively OP...

Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday has arrived – go get your festive sweater

As promised, Guild Wars 2's winter holiday events, gathered up in Wintersday, have arrived today. There's kind of a lot of stuff to keep...

Elder Scrolls Online’s new trailer teases Dark Heart of Skyrim for 2020

At The Game Awards tonight, ZeniMax revealed a sweet new Elder Scrolls Online trailer as promised, capping off the game's Season of the Dragon...
I didn't say zorp.

Perfect World has finally revealed Magic: Legends, its Magic the Gathering MMORPG

You know how Perfect World and Cryptic have been talking up a new Magic the Gathering MMORPG for like... years? It's still happening, and...

Pearl Abyss drops new Crimson Desert screenshots and design notes

So, other than MOP's Carlo (who's absolutely losing his mind over the game), who's hyped for Pearl Abyss' Crimson Desert? Because the Korean mega-studio...

Dauntless lands on the Switch today with the Stormchasers update for everyone

If you had told me when Phoenix Labs first announced Dauntless three years ago that it was eventually going to be one of the...

Corepunk is a new top-down Dutch game with all the MMORPG trappings

Who wanted a new MMORPG for Christmas? Well, Corepunk isn't getting here in time for this Christmas, but it's now been officially announced to...

Conan Exiles has officially launched HORSIES with today’s free update and Riders of Hyboria DLC

It's mount day in Conan Exiles, folks! Look, every game needs mounts. This is known. This is a good day. It's an even better...

Astellia Online’s Miodan Mines patch is live today with a new newbie quest too

It's patch day for fans of the still-got-that-new-smell Astellia Online MMO, as Barunson pushes live the Miodan Mines zone. "Miodan Mine is a brand-new, never...
Feelin' fine!

Fallout 76 shares some new Wastelanders screenshots

Lest you be worried, Bethesda is indeed working on more than just trying to fix bugs in Fallout 76, it's still actively working on...

Skyforge’s Rock and Metal update lands December 17th with new dungeon and god form

Skyforge is getting one last big content push before the new year: It's called Rock and Metal, and it drops December 17th. The centerpiece...

No Man’s Sky launches significant quality-of-life improvements and new features in tomorrow’s Synthesis update

Where the Beyond update in No Man's Sky changed the game, the upcoming Synthesis update will refine it. This new large-scale update for the...

RuneScape lets players rear dinos, Old School RuneScape beta tests the Nightmare of Ashihama

Whether you want to raise dinos or take on horrifying nightmare monsters, both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape have you covered respectively with some...

ExileCon 2019: Summing up Path of Exile’s epic inaugural con (plus all our photos!)

Other than the pre-con jitters of devs unsure what to expect or how things would ultimately go, you wouldn't know that ExileCon 2019 was...

Persistent open-world MMO Project C gets an official name: Life Beyond

We've been covering Project C for a few years now: It's a SpatialOS open-world MMO sandbox promising “meaningful persistency,” built by by Darewise, the...

Guild Wars 2’s Whisper in the Dark saga chapter is live this afternoon

At the tail end of this summer, ArenaNet revealed that it was changing up Guild Wars 2's content cadence by ditching the "seasonal" content...