MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

MMO Week in Review: The LOTRO and DDO tech team deserves a nap and a hug

Did anybody else let out a cheer when Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online finally came back up on Saturday...

EVE Evolved: The war on bots in EVE Online

The news dropped recently that EVE Online will be adding some new limitations and restrictions to its free-to-play tier, which may seem odd to...

The MOP Up: MapleStory goes to the arcade

If you're playing MapleStory, chances are that you're not too prim and proper to enjoy some goofy fun. So pop in a quarter and...

MMOs You’ve Never Heard Of: Exocraft, DK Online, Lord of Chains, and Defend the Night

Welcome back to another roundup of MMOs and other online games you've (probably) never heard of (or have totally forgotten about!). Exocraft caught my attention...

Jukebox Heroes: Eldevin’s soundtrack

I can't say that Eldevin has ever risen very high on my MMO radar, but over the past year or so I've noticed that...

One Shots: Rack ’em up!

I have to say that I would be much more likely to take up the crimefighting life if there was a really hip rec...
Contains some monsters.

The Daily Grind: Do you try out MMOs in well-maintained maintenance modes?

It's not hard to play Final Fantasy XI or Guild Wars at this point. Both titles are in maintenance mode, yes; they've gotten their last major...

The Stream Team: Another attempted look inside Torchlight Frontiers’ alpha

If you missed the stream for the Torchlight Frontiers alpha from MJ's perspective, there were a few technical hitches that caused her some problems....

Make My MMO: Shroud of the Avatar shutters physical office, Ashes of Creation delays next alpha

This week week in MMO crowdfunding, we've seen what could be potential setbacks for two larger crowfunding MMORPGs. First, Shroud of the Avatar studio Portalarium...

Chronicles of Elyria vows to ‘bring the storm’ this year, according to new dev blog

Stormiest future -- or storm-bringer? Chronicles of Elyria hopes to be the latter according to its newest developer blog. "Last year, people told us...

LOTRO Legendarium: The return of skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online

Out of all of Lord of the Rings Online's additional features that it has added post-launch, skirmishes have my vote as one of the...

LOTRO and DDO are finally back online after nearly four days down

For a moment there, it looked as though the multi-day saga of LOTRO and DDO downtime was finally over. And then everything blew up. You...

The Daily Grind: If MMOs scaled back on combat, what should fill that space?

I know that I'm not the first or the last person to accuse modern MMOs of being far to combat-centric in their design, but...
All right, here we go.

Betawatch: Torchlight Frontiers hits its third alpha so hard it breaks all the NDAs

Yes, you read that right. Torchlight Frontiers hit its NDA so hard that it done broke. There's no NDA for the third alpha test,...

Amazon’s New World MMO dispatches more alpha invites, teases locales and armor images

It's been a while since we checked in with New World's Twitter feed and... ahhh! A whole bunch of miniature videos and screenshots and other ephemera to tide everyone over. To wit: Here's an animated setting of an outpost.
There! A thing!

Albion Online explains the mechanics of its randomized dungeons and why they’re a big deal

The randomized dungeons are the biggest feature arriving in Albion Online with the Oberon update on March 20th, but they might be a bigger...
It's dark down here.

Neverwinter shows off some of the beasties of the Undermountain

If you're familiar with the history of Dungeons & Dragons, you probably have some idea of the creatures you'll encounter in Neverwinter's trip to...

Path of Exile’s Synthesis expansion is officially live

It's here! It's here! Path of Exile has officially launched its Synthesis expansion for both PC and Xbox One. Still wondering about that PlayStation...
SO many things.

RuneScape’s lady devs host AMA on getting started in the industry, stream abuse, and rocks

In honor of International Womens' Day, the ladies (and at least one dude) who work at RuneScape studio Jagex have graciously teamed up for...

Atlas previews March milestone claim system changes and procedural shipwrecks

Last week, Atlas gave players their first peek at what they can expect with the March milestone update coming later this month, and in...