MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

The Stream Team: Journeying into New World’s preview event

We can show you New World Is it shining? Shimmering? Splendid? Tell us, viewers, now when did You last watch a game to decide? A whole New World A...

The Rising returns to Final Fantasy XIV on Thursday

It's nearly time to celebrate seven years of Final Fantasy XIV since its relaunch with the annual return of the Rising event, starting on...

Choose My Adventure: Determining the strengths and weaknesses of AdventureQuest 3D

So it’s my final week here in AdventureQuest 3D and things ended with not a bang nor a whimper so much as with a...
Bad plans.

New World’s open preview event has just begun

Amazon's New World has just kicked off its don't-call-it-a-beta beta preview event. The event is a follow-on to last month's density stress test (seriously,...

Neverwinter is dramatically overhauling mounts and reducing cash-shop mount prices

Neverwinter is due for a mount overhaul, and as it turns out, PWE is game to give it one. "Mounts in Neverwinter are very...
Let's set up shop.

Hands-on with New World’s war mode: All the fun you can have blowing up a fortress of lumber

It's really hard to look at the general progress of New World and not get the sense of a game that's struggling to sort...
Roast somebody.

World of Warcraft announces more low-population realm connections

Just like the next expansion is bringing players together with the dead in Shadowlands, the current server plans for World of Warcraft seem to...

New week, old problems: LOTRO can’t seem to fix its servers

If you logged into Lord of the Rings Online this week hoping for an easy road to Mordor, think again. There are a whole...

The Daily Grind: Do you do side quests in your MMOs?

I realize this question doesn't apply to all MMOs: Some MMOs don't have quests at all, while in others, there's no way you're leveling...

OrbusVR previews the Aberration Island community goal and matches unlock points for a week

For the past several weeks, OrbusVR players have been participating in the Explore the Realm event in an effort to unlock a new island...

Supremacy 1 is a new mobile and browser MMORTS coming to Steam

August has seen another new mobile MMO launch, this one a strategy MMO Supremacy 1914 spinoff called just Supremacy 1, which developer Bytro says...
I'm not him! I don't even look like him!

Champions Online wants you to create a developer’s costume

One of the unique perks of working on Champions Online for Cryptic is that each developer gets his or her own in-game avatar, complete...

Shroud of the Avatar will add spawn functionality and customization to player town signposts

When is a sign more than a sign? When it doubles as a spawn location as well as a teleporter. That's some of the...

Realm of the Mad God introduces some deadly desert ruins as it preps to close its Flash client in September

Even if sand is coarse and rough and gets everywhere, there are bigger problems with the desert ruins area that was recently introduced to...

RuneScape introduces a traveling artisan and begins taking nominations for the Golden Gnomes awards

This week in RuneScape we have traveling artisans, some Golden Gnomes, and a couple of little fixes to share. It's just another Monday for...
When everything looks like this it tends to run together.

World of Warcraft kicks off a new animated series, Afterlives, starting on Thursday

The old adage about writing is that a dead character is less interesting than a living one, because a dead one can't do anything...

Webzen will no longer run Flyff as transfer of the MMO to a new publisher is underway

It appears to be the end of the Webzen era for Flyff as the free-to-play MMO will no longer be serviced by the company....
The other side.

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s Reflections in Crystal storylines

All right, let's make something very clear right off the bat: There will be spoilers in this column. If you have managed to not...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Stonethorn dungeon DLC and update 27 are live for PC and Mac today

It's patch day for Elder Scrolls Online, and this is no ordinary patch: It's the Stonethorn DLC and update 27, which as we've been...

Fight or Kite: Early thoughts on Crowfall’s lively beta, necromancy, and alts

Anyone who’s been following Crowfall over the years since its original Kickstarter has likely at one point or another felt like the game’s development...