
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

There's something vaguely unsettling about buying and selling people here.

The Elder Scrolls Online is adding two new mercantile assistants to the crown store

A quest within the Thieves' Guild DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online rewards you with a smuggler assistant who will come to your location...

Sandbox Wild Terra adds male characters, hunger system, safe zones

Wanna play a bit of Wild Terra? The sandbox is in a true open test period for anyone who wants to sign up for...

Get your Noblegarden eggs before World of Warcraft hides them for another year

As spring creeps out from underneath blooming bushes and wiggles its bushy tail in the sunlight, Noblegarden returns once again to World of Warcraft. The...

EVE Gunjack also launches on Oculus Rift

Lest you forget, EVE Valkyrie wasn't the only EVE Universe title that launched on the Oculus Rift yesterday. A smaller but no less notable...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 57: Camelot Unchained’s Mark Jacobs

Justin and Bree are joined by Camelot Unchained's Mark Jacobs to address questions from the Massively OP audience.

Otherland returns to Steam after two-month absence

When you're in early access, it probably doesn't help your cause to disappear from the world's most popular digital games store for months at a...

Ragnarok 2 comes under new management, returns to active development

Good news for fans of Ragnarok 2 today: WarpPortal announced that it will be taking over the development of the game from Gravity Interactive....

Star Trek Online introduces a ship cosmetic system in Season 11.5

Star Trek Online Lead Programmer Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza has good news for captains who want to micromanage just how pretty their ships are. Beginning with...
Flight of the Matrimony.

Final Fantasy XIV expands chocobo racing and the anima weapon questline

Are you a big fan of chocobo racing in Final Fantasy XIV? Then you'll be very happy to know that the game's latest patch...

WildStar teases tomorrow’s Arcterra launch, zone rewards

WildStar's devs have today given players a more in-depth look at lore undergirding the incoming Arcterra content. "The base of operations for both Dominion...

Webzen reveals new MMOs Light Fall, The Beast; teases MU Legend’s closed beta

Webzen has seven games on the way for South Korean players, which very often means a trickle-over for us across the pond. MU Legend (MU2)...

Star Citizen’s Erin Roberts: ‘Persistence is very close’

The latest edition of Star Citizen's 10 for the Chairman stars not Chris Roberts himself but Global Head of Production and Foundry 42 Studio...
Well, this isn't ideal.

Tree of Savior’s early access has officially launched

After a brief delay brought on by minor technical difficulties, Tree of Savior's founder's servers -- Klaipeda and Orsha -- came alive this morning,...

Blizzard alters Overwatch’s Tracer’s sexualized victory pose following player objections

Call it "The Great Butt Controversy of 2016." If you didn't see it pop up all over the internet last night, here's the deal: There...

Black Desert’s Mediah expansion launches tomorrow; catch the new trailer

Daum EU announced today via a new Black Desert trailer that the promised upcoming content update, Mediah, is on the way. Soon. As in this...

Diablo III begins testing season 6

Have you finished all of your Diablo III season 5 goals and achievements yet? You best get a move on it, little doggy, because...
Can't stop won't stop.

Das Tal offers an update on the state of its March alpha test

It's a known fact that accomplishments during an alpha test don't carry over to the launch game. That's just a given. But that hasn't...

Dragon Nest launches Vietnamese service tomorrow

As of tomorrow, Dragon Nest will expand its linguistic options, as it will start offering service to Vietnamese customers. The game and its launcher...

BioWare is fixing the SWTOR sub cartel coin allotment bug

Observant Star Wars: The Old Republic players have been noticing that cartel coins granted to subscribers haven't been accruing properly over part of the past year,...

DC Universe Online preps GU59, new looting features

If you dropped by DC Universe Online's PC test server over the weekend, you were greeted with Game Update 59 for testing, whether or...