
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Amazon is apparently working on a new unnamed sci-fi MMO

Former SOE and Daybreak boss John Smedley has been a fixture at Amazon Game Studios for the last few years, working on at least...
Gosh, torchums.

Torchlight III delays its next patch once again to next week

Remember when we were young and innocent and were looking forward to the next early access patch for Torchlight III this week? How foolish and...

Last Oasis introduces the lava-slurping Camelop Walker in its latest update

Harvesting lava has got to be tough, whether in real life or in the survival sandbox of Last Oasis, but as of the latest...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI delivers the second installment of the Voracious Resurgence today

Black-clad beastmen, a mysterious threat, and also the meta level of new story content in Final Fantasy XI should be more than enough to excite...

MMO gamers held an inspiring memorial for a fallen friend on Warhammer Online’s Return of Reckoning server

As part of our Massively Uplifting column this past week, we covered an emerging story on the Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning rogue server,...

Albion Online player steals an in-game billion’s worth of assets from a guild in a self-described ‘long con’

On the one hand, you have to respect a good caper, but on the other hand, this particular bit of thievery that happened in...

Black Desert counts 40M players as its PC version buffs music and adds new Shai instruments

Pearl Abyss has officially turned 10 years old today, and it's brought some hard liquor to the party. Did I say hard liquor? I...

SMITE’s design director confirms one more new god in 2020, outlines early plans for 2021’s Season 8

If you're not among those who are following SMITE design director A.J. Walker on Twitter, then you might have missed a thread with some...

World of Warcraft: Afterlives highlights Ardenweald – if you can bear it

We are happily resurrecting old memes with the latest installment of the World of Warcraft Afterlives animated shorts because watching this video should aggro every bears...

Ubisoft’s long-delayed Skull and Bones promises new ‘vision’ and a ‘comeback’ next year

If it seems as if you've been hearing about Ubisoft's Skull and Bones for an absurdly long time without a game to show for...

Corepunk is aiming for a ‘WoW Classic difficulty level,’ with housing and farming in the works

With closed beta on the way for this December, Corepunk is generating some degree of interest among cyberpunk MMO fans. To feed the hype...

Elder Scrolls Online’s final DLC of the year is now called Markarth, not Darkstorm

Elder Scrolls Online's chapters and DLC run almost like clockwork every year, so we all knew there was one last DLC comning in 2020,...
Not all scenarios are your best foot forward.

Final Fantasy XIV posts a new anniversary story and prepares for an online Tokyo Game Show

The third of four anniversary stories for Final Fantasy XIV has gone up today, and it covers an old friend. And an old enemy. An...

New World’s director talks genre blending, release cadence, and Twitch integration plans in an interview

The interviews just keep on coming from the devs of New World. This time around we've got one from GamesIndustry speaking with game director...

XLGAMES finally confirms ArcheAge 2, a next-gen large-scale AAA MMORPG

ArcheAge 2 is more than a rumor now - it's a sure thing. The news comes according to Korean website Ruliweb, which reports that...

World of Warcraft struggles to come up with a Covenant compromise

With less than two months to go until World of Warcraft: Shadowlands releases, it's not a great time to be making major adjustments to...

Funcom reveals Conan Exiles Isle of Siptah expansion, offers free Steam weekend and sale for original

Back in January, Conan Exiles players were wary when Funcom told its investors about "continuing to develop the game with a paid map DLC";...
Team play.

For science: New UK study finds that video games improve the mental health, reading, and writing skills of kids

So this one's fun. The results of a study performed in the UK between November and December of 2019 have just been released. The...

Minecraft Dungeons releases a frost-filled new DLC and a ‘Hero Edition’ for Nintendo Switch

We're only in the early vestiges of autumn in our part of the hemisphere, but in the co-op roguelike world of Minecraft Dungeons, it's...

Iron Harvest 1920 plans co-op campaign and ranked multiplayer features this month

It looks like the surprising RTS title Iron Harvest 1920 is going to be doing a whole lot of growing over the course of...