The Stream Team: Showing off (and giving away) SMITE’s Erlang Shen
She's been through all of SMITE's tutorials now, so it's time for MassivelyOP's MJ to join a real match. That doesn't mean she's actually...
The Stream Team: Assisting Dr. Varias in The Secret World
Every time MassivelyOP's MJ travels through The Secret World, she bumps into more missions she has yet to complete. This is especially true in...
The Stream Team: Chasing Revan in SWTOR
Have you hung out in a Rishii village? MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ are going to hobnob with the locals as they follow the next...
The Stream Team: Attempting Grand Theft Auto Online’s new Cunning Stunts
If racing through the streets of Los Santos just isn't doing it for you anymore, there are now new stunt racetracks strewn about GTAO...
The Stream Team: Becoming a true thief in The Elder Scrolls Online
In our last joint Elder Scrolls Online stream, both Bree and Larry mentioned that they were more thieves than assassins. Perhaps it's time for them to...
WildStar dev stream shows off Heroes Evolved update, gender swapping
You could say that WildStar's recent Heroes Evolved update added a few things to the game. Besides the opportunity for players to buy a...
The Stream Team: Looking for the perfect spot in Landmark
So far, every time MassivelyOP's MJ has gone out looking for a place to build her own masterpiece, she's been distracted by all the...
The Stream Team: Building an ARK egg farm
The time has come. All the eggs are belong to us all! MassivelyOP's MJ and the MoPark community are coming together in ARK in...
The Stream Team: Pushing further into Path of Exile’s labyrinth
While Path of Exile's Prophecy league has stolen most of her attention lately, MassivelyOP's MJ hasn't forgotten her goal of conquering the Lord's Labyrinth....
The Stream Team: Things are heating up in HEX
The summer heat is getting to MassivelyOP's MJ, so she's going to escape into HEX where canyons, deserts, and dusty plains await her. On...
The Stream Team: Wandering into Warframe for the first time
MassivelyOP's MJ came away from TennoCon 2016 with a desire to jump in and check out Warframe. She's heard it can be a bit...
The Stream Team: Pressing toward tier two in SWTOR’s Dark vs. Light Event
With tier one for Star Wars: The Old Republic's Dark vs. Light event easily hit, Larry presses toward tier two, but here there are...
The Stream Team: Be your own boss in Evolve
Have you ever been in the middle of a dungeon and wished you could play the boss mob? Maybe you wanted to feel the...
The Stream Team: Trove turns one!
Over the weekend Trove turned one year old. You know what that means: Party time! MassivelyOP's MJ is hopping back into the blocks to...
Atlas Reactor reveals free-play event, new toons, and Blur trailer
Trion has a huge closed beta week planned for Atlas Reactor starting today (through July 17th) with a free-play event for the normally B2P,...
The Stream Team: Slime Lords and Mo capes in AdventureQuest 3D
Did you see those sporty Mo capes in AdventureQuest 3D and know instantly that you just had to get one for yourself? Don't despair, now...
The Stream Team: Calming the enraged Gatekeeper in The Secret World
You've heard the old adage that redheads have a temper? Well imagine if you add red arms, red torso, red legs! Part of this...
The Stream Team: Seeking Path of Exile prophecies
MassivelyOP's MJ has yet to experience a prophecy in Path of Exile’s latest league, and she's really excited to do so. With any luck,...
The Stream Team: Rooting out the Revanites in SWTOR
MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ continue to work undercover in SWTOR's Shadow of Revan expansion to learn more about the Revanites, and the audience continues...
The Stream Team: Milking Black Desert cows
There are plenty of... different... things to do on Black Desert. You've already seen MassivelyOP's MJ tame a wild horse; now you can watch her...