shot online - search results

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One Shots: Gnome mercy

For today's headline picture, I'll let Minimalistway explain why you have a pint-size Great Gnomeregan Run marathoner from World of Warcraft waving frantically at...

You need to see how pretty Albion Online will be after its biome rework

OK, maybe "need" is a strong word there, but I for one am happy to see what Sandbox Interactive is up to with Albion...
New World

Vitae Aeternum: New World through the eyes of an Elder Scrolls Online and EVE Online player

When I heard that Amazon Game Studios was releasing an MMO, my plan was to watch from the sidelines until such time that all...

One Shots: Might as well be staring at the sun

Not surprisingly, there are hordes of Massively OP readers crawling over every square inch of the recently launched New World, often with their cameras...
Robot time.

MechWarrior Online restores trans-focused team names after uproar over name changes and suspensions

We're just going to go ahead and offer a free tip for moderation teams across the MMO sphere: Banning people just for expressing support...

One Shots: Looking down on the world

Do you ever get that feeling like someone else is looking down on you, but then you're like, nah, that's all in my head?...
Now we're gundagood.

Lord of the Rings Online opens Bullroarer again to test Brawler and LI changes

So, Lord of the Rings Online's Fate of Gundabad has a launch date. It has preorders. It has a full executive summary of content....

Choose My Adventure: DC Universe Online just ended up making me love City of Heroes more

Third verse same as the first. If nothing else, DC Universe Online is consistent in how its leveling game works, though there were a...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Fate of Gundabad launches November 10 – preorders have begun

Standing Stone Games has finally taken the wraps off the Fate of Gundabad expansion for Lord of the Rings Online in today's big preorder...

Global Chat: Going back to EverQuest Online Adventures

While so many EverQuest fans are eagerly awaiting word of the next entry in the legendary franchise, at least one player is going back...

One Shots: Personal space

Part of being a starship captain in Star Trek Online is making shrewd decisions that outwit enemies. Part is being a momma or papa...

The Game Archaeologist: Tanarus, Sony Online Entertainment’s first online game

While EverQuest is perhaps thought of as Sony Online Entertainment's first online game, the truth of history tells us differently. Just as how Mythic...

Choose My Adventure: The further adventures of a twin pistols gadgeteer in DC Universe Online

So, the powers that be said that keeping to my twin pistols in DC Universe Online was the way to go, and I have...

One Shots: Boom, said the world

You'd think that a world that's already been nuked into a radioactive wasteland wouldn't need any additional bombs lobbed at its surface, but several...

Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning preps anniversary celebration and huge reveal this weekend

If you've been keeping an eye on Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning, you probably already know that the game is knee-deep in...

Choose My Adventure: Slowly acclimating to the goofiness of DC Universe Online

Boy did this one start out strangely. Apparently I have played DC Universe Online a few times before -- I even have a level...

One Shots: En garde!

It's not always the type of sword but how you hold it, the masters say. And if you've got the spirit of a duelist...

One Shots: Nostalgia overload

Elder Scrolls Online certainly isn't shy about cashing in on the entire series' popularity, despite being a prequel. There are plenty of places in...

One Shots: Fantasy updrafting

The way I see it, MMORPGs encourage us past our timidity and fear to be bold. So fight that dragon! Get a selfie with...

Final Fantasy XI offers players a shot at the Shadowlord’s swords

Is it fair that the Shadowlord in Final Fantasy XI gets to have cool swords you don't have immediate access to? No. It is...