2022 eoty meta

Global Chat: The MMO blogs you should be reading in 2023

Welcome to a new year of Global Chat -- and with it, the anticipation of a great assortment of MMO blog essays, questions, guides,...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are you no longer anticipating?

There are several MMOs I'm no longer anticipating or even expecting to launch at this point, but let me pick one of the former...

Massively Overthinking: The biggest 2022 MMO trainwrecks (almost) nobody noticed

As we wrap up our end-of-the-year and turn-of-the-calendar content until next December, there's one more recurring Massively Overthinking I like to do - and...

Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2022

Perhaps one of our saddest traditions at the turn of every year is taking stock of all the MMOs we lost along the way....
This is fine.

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2023

Years ago, I did the first version of this yearly column in a one-off format in the middle of the year just because I...

The Daily Grind: What might be the next MMO to undergo a big business model shift?

In years past, we used to run a Daily Grind asking which MMO would be the next to go free-to-play, but at this point,...

The Daily Grind: Who told the biggest gaming fib of 2022?

Last year, Bobby Kotick's many fibs eclipsed everything else. This year, I have a couple of fibs in mind, foremost among them Unity CEO...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: LOTRO’s new mascot

Today we're concluding our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #1 on our list is… LOTRO'S PET ROCK With the...

MassivelyOP’s complete 2022 awards debrief and annual recap

As we did in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, today we're going to recap our annual awards and other meta articles from...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive MMO to play at the start of 2023?

Last year, I had a hard time with this annual Daily Grind, and that's because "expensive" depends entirely on what you have to buy...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2023

As 2022 drew to a close, we spent our Massively Overthinking roundtables discussing our predictions for 2023 as well as our goals. Now, we're...
Almost tangible. Again.

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: The FFXIV ERP billboard

Today we’re kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #2 on our list is… The Final Fantasy...

Leaderboard: What was the best *new* MMO of 2022?

The downside of making both old and new games be eligible for MMO of the Year is that it can be pretty hard for...

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: EverQuest II’s prison server

Today we’re kicking off our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #3 on our list is… EQ2 permabanned everyone...

End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2023

You know how some people like to push this narrative that "MMOs are dying?" If that were actually true, then my job to round...

Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2022?

A funny and incredibly predictable thing happens in the comments of our Most Underrated award every year: Somebody, usually several somebodies, informs us that...
Plz no bulli

MMO Year in Review: The FTC strikes back (December 2022)

December used to be one of those months when nothing happened, but the last few years, companies have treated December like the after-business-hours-on-a-Friday dumping...
Rein in that deer.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 403: Roundtable and state of the site

Justin, Bree, Eliot, and Colin sit for the first of our end-of-the-year roundtables, with the awards recap and the state of the site.

MassivelyOP’s Weirdest MMO Stories of 2022: Weirdest thing MMO gamers did to win a forum argument (thrice)

We're continuing our traditional countdown of MassivelyOP's weirdest MMORPG stories of the year! Coming in at #4 on our list is… War Thunder players have now...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2023?

Picture this: It's 2015. Sony just sold off SOE, and it reformed as Daybreak and began purging games, hard - around 20 to date,...