
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

WildStar’s mystery event befuddles players

Yesterday evening Carbine Studios encouraged players to attend a WildStar mystery event on the Entity server, not spilling any other details as to what...

Guild Wars 2 showing off its guild halls at E3

In all of the Heart of Thorns hoopla and specializations diaries, did you forget that guild halls will also be arriving in Guild Wars...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 healthiest live MMOs

One question that consistently pops up across the MMO gaming circuit is, "What are the most popular/healthy/active MMOs out there?" Every time I see...

Guild Wars 2 is changing how conditions and player wallets work

Guild Wars 2's next content update already is shaping up to be a groundbreaking one for the fantasy title, bringing a new look to...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite unusual MMO weapon?

Maybe I've been around for a little too long and have become jaded at the same-old weapons that we see in every MMO, but...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 17

Justin and Bree discuss Infinite Crisis' sunset, Heroes of the Storm's launch, TERA's growth, EverQuest Next, Marvel Heroes, Trove, PlanetSide 2, Aion, WildStar, and The Secret World, plus mailbag questions on game metrics and character origin stories.
Wait, different LA.

Guild Wars 2 to restore Lion’s Arch in the next update

It won't be long now, faithful Tyrians, before you will be walking down the streets of the shiny, reborn Lion's Arch in Guild Wars...

EU team disqualified from Guild Wars 2 world tournament

One aspiring Guild Wars 2 PvP team will be sitting on the sidelines when the world tournament comes to a conclusion later this year. ArenaNet has...

Fly through the aquatic wonderland of Aion’s Cygnea

Cygnea may roll off the tongue like an ugly medical condition, but in truth it's a rather gorgeous zone that's coming to Aion with...
The centaur iPad is really overpowered.

The healing Revenant was demoed in the Guild Wars 2 stream

Just because you're a blindfolded warrior empowered by the Mists in Guild Wars 2 doesn't mean you can't support your allies. That's the big...

One Shots: The infinite summons

One of the stranger Final Fantasy tropes is that the more powerful a summoned creature is, the longer it would take for any given...

The Daily Grind: Is swimming really that important in MMOs?

One of the big brouhahas that arose back in Star Wars: The Old Republic's development was the game's lack of any type of swimming....

Guild Wars 2 unveils the leafy goodness of the Revenant’s Ventari legend

After a few days of teases, another legend has been formally revealed for Guild Wars 2's upcoming Revenant profession, and it's all about healing. Yes,...

Aion’s Upheaval begins on June 17th

At a time when players are leery of being nickle-and-dimed, Aion is releasing yet another completely free expansion. Also known as patch 4.8, Upheaval...

The Stream Team: Party hearty for WildStar’s anniversary

MassivelyOP's MJ never needs a reason to get down and boogie, but WildStar is offering one anyway: Today is its birthday! That means Emy...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns beta

My excitement for Guild Wars 2's first expansion has been no secret, so you can easily guess how much fun I had climbing the...

Global Chat: Blizzard’s war on flying

How is the MMO blogging community reacting to Blizzard's proclamation that flying mounts are grounded -- perhaps permanently -- in World of Warcraft? In...

Guild Wars 2’s second stronghold beta test is happening right now

The fight of the century -- or at least the next 24 hours -- is on in Guild Wars 2. The fantasy MMO is...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 16

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar's F2P, The Secret World's motorcycles, Echo of Souls' soft launch, Greed Monger's doom, Marvel Heroes' updates, plus mailbag questions on underused races, multiboxing, and tiny MMOs.
I could talk about planting ideas in your head, but that seems a bit too easy.

Guild Wars 2 teases a Ventari image

You have probably noticed by now that ArenaNet likes to be a bit cryptic with its Guild Wars 2 teasers. Case in point: a...