
Official Site: Overwatch
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4


Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs

I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...
Everything hurts.

Blizzard staffers confirm ‘honor point system,’ further exposing the company’s wage disparities

This week we've been following Bloomberg's reports on Blizzard employees' attempts to secure pay and equitable pay for the gaming industry. Early in the...
But no badger.

‘Our mentors are leaving in droves’: Blizzard staff are organizing to demand better compensation

Yesterday, we covered Bloomberg's report on how Blizzard employees were circulating a spreadsheet of their wages and raises in an effort to determine whether...
Not a great sign.

Overwatch’s Summer Games have returned with a new twist on Lucioball

Sportsball is pretty strange in pandemic times, as the professional leagues and kiddie teams alike are struggling to find safe ways to return to...

Activision-Blizzard Q2 2020: Year-over-year revenues are up for the first time in six quarters

We're back with another dip into Activision-Blizzard's financials, this one Q2 2020, the first report since shareholders lambasted the company for excessive executive pay...
It's on my list of 'things you did wrong,' yeah.

Blizzard staffers agitate against poor worker pay as Activision-Blizzard rakes in billions

Blizzard's labor practices have been under scrutiny over the last couple of years, propelled in large part due to mass-layoffs at the top of...

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds don’t take the summer off for Bungie, Niantic, and Trolls in WoW

When summer comes, some lucky folks get to take the season off. Even those who continue on their regular labors often head out on...

Overwatch hosts an AMA, Hearthstone adds a playable kitty hero

You can play as a kitty in Hearthstone. Yes, there's been some patch notes for update 18.0 which sets the table for the arrival...
Capital city.

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Triglavian conflict comes to a head

The big conclusion of EVE Online's multipart Triglavian invasion is coming to a head with Quadrant 3: Zenith, which should hit soon. "Actions have consequences,"...

The MOP UP: Star Wars Galaxies Legends invites new players to a server far, far away

Thinking about getting into that Star Wars Galaxies that all your friends have been pressuring you to play since 2003? The Legends rogue server...
Have some stuff.

Sigma takes center stage in Overwatch’s new Maestro Challenge mini-event

Overwatch is feeling rather cultured, apparently, as the multiplayer shooter has taken to appreciating classical music and the character Sigma all at once as...
Yeah, bye.

Competitive Season 23 of Overwatch adds an open queue option

The meat and potatoes of Overwatch for most players is officially underway with the launch of Competitive Season 23, and this time around players...

Massively Overthinking: Can Amazon actually save Crucible?

Earlier this week, Amazon pulled Crucible back into closed beta for some hefty retooling, a move that surprised basically no one. We'd watched the...
And again.

Overwatch nixes hero pools from competitive play

Freedom! That's the shout of Overwatch players this week as they heard the news that Blizzard is removing hero pools from the competitive play...

There are multiple heroes planned for Heroes of the Storm this year, and there’s snow falling now

It's been a quiet first half of the year in Heroes of the Storm, but players have been promised that there are multiple new...

Overwatch’s anniversary theme goes into the woods to grandmother’s house

Hope you weren't planning on sleeping much over the next few weeks, because you are going to need those extra hours to milk every...

Hearthstone kicks out some balance updates while Overwatch starts previewing anniversary skins

Blizzard's not-WoW games Hearthstone and Overwatch are in the news together today, mostly because each update is sort of like two halves of a...
I half-see.

Amazon’s Crucible delivers a five-minute overview

Amazon Game Studios hopes you aren't too busy next week -- perhaps even staying home for the duration. And if you're just hanging around,...

Overwatch confirms the return of the competitive open queue in June and July

Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan is back once more with another developer update video that's all about the competitive open queue, confirming that it...

Rumor: Diablo II is getting a remaster at the end of the year

While many fans are perhaps looking to Diablo IV to save the franchise (aka rehash Diablo II), there are some rumors stirring that Blizzard...