
Massively Uplifting: Dragon Con and The Game Awards demonstrate the rise of awareness, accessibility, and inclusion

It is not uncommon to spend the beginning of a year reflecting back on the old while looking forward to the new. That's something...

Former SWTOR lead Damion Schubert urges devs to prioritize accessibility in MMOs

When you think of the strengths of Star Wars: The Old Republic as a game, does "accessibility" every come to mind? According to one...

Interview: New World’s Scot Lane on Edengrove housing, transmog tokens, and more

In part one of my interview with New World's game director Scot Lane, we covered topics such as the game's past, future plans, and...

Diablo IV showcases its accessibility options, runs promos involving cathedrals and meat shakes

It's hard to think that a game like Diablo IV needs more promotion, but Blizzard has been absolutely banging that drum for a while...
Gusts 'n' stuff

World of Warcraft’s next patch offers new options for players suffering from dragonriding motion sickness

Does riding a dragon in World of Warcraft make you feel all funny in your tummy? Could it be true love, or could it...

Elder Scrolls Online PvPers are grumpy over an out-of-context stream clip

(We've updated with Matt Firor's new statement on PvP at the end of this article.) Longtime players know that The Elder Scrolls Online Creative Director...

Massively on the Go: First impressions of the multiplayer Mario Party Superstars

We've talked about Mario Party a few times on MassivelyOP, but only recently, as the Mario Kart series is both older and probably more familiar to...

Destiny company Bungie just keeps making other game studios look bad – now it’s axed mandatory arbitration

I have to be honest, I did not have "Bungie models good corporate behavior for the gaming industry" in my predictions for 2021, but...

Niantic finally reverted the Pokemon GO COVID interaction radius after player boycott

It seems the blowback from the Pokemon GO community in response to Niantic's gym/Pokestop situation had some teeth after all. While the community -...
I blew things up!

EA’s ‘patent pledge’ openly shares tech patents in an effort to increase game accessibility

Everyone, regardless of physical or medical issues, should be allowed to enjoy gaming, and Electronic Arts is attempting to facilitate as much by openly...

Pokemon Go’s New Zealand rollbacks show Niantic is more concerned with local law than actual safety

Good news: New Zealanders have had their Pokemon Go PokeStop and Gym radius restored to 80 meters, exactly what the community has been asking...

Massively on the Go: Niantic’s response to Pokemon Go’s community is painfully deficient

Well, the timing of my last Pokemon Go article on the release of the ill-timed spin/interaction nerf was interesting in that it coincided with what felt...

Pokemon Go players intensify boycott over COVID rollbacks as Niantic offers only minor concessions

Anyone who follows our Massively on the Go column and its long-running Pokemon Go coverage knows that Niantic has faced years of criticism from...

Massively on the Go: Niantic ditching Pokemon Go’s COVID benefits was a dangerous mistake

Recently I was forced into isolation since an untrustworthy family member hid COVID symptoms from the household and our vaccinated guests who were going...

GDC 2021: Accessibility in gaming means innovation for everyone

You may have noticed that accessibility comes up a lot whenever we cover GDC, and GDC 2021 won't be much different. However, while presentations...
Void where prohibited.

Diablo II Resurrected explains its ‘solve for one, extend to many’ accessibility philosophy

Diablo II Resurrected has a new dev blog out touting its accessibility features, previously hinted at last week. Essentially, Blizzard is trying to update...

Massively on the Go: How Jackbox Games helped gamers stay social through COVID

For some people, Jackbox Games' Party Packs were a COVID lifesaver. While many of us have a lot of virtual connections thanks to our...

Massively on the Go: Niantic is partially rolling back Pokemon Go’s COVID bonuses

Almost a month ago I argued that Pokemon GO's COVID changes should not be rolled back. I was under no illusions that Niantic would...

GDC Summer 2020: Accessibility shouldn’t be a dirty word in online gaming

I don't know about you readers, but one of the first things I always do when starting a game with voice acting (or movie)...

EVE Online introduces colorblindness accessibility options

A couple of years ago, my husband was taking one of those online tests to determine color blindness and pulled me over to read...