
The car don't work.

Escape from Tarkov previews its technical alpha testing specs

The purpose of Escape from Tarkov's technical alpha starting on August 4th is to see how the game works under strain. It is not...

Edengrad gears up for its upcoming alpha

If you knew the end of the world was coming, what would you want to get done before it happened? For Edengrad's post-apocalyptic setting,...
Well, that's something.

Players dig up details on Lost Ark’s classes

We know that many of you are following the development and testing of the gorgeous MMOARPG Lost Ark, hoping that the Korean beta will...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Chronicles of Elyria on expanding team, creature models, and backer-only videos

This week's Chronicles of Elyria update features the Ursaphant mount, which is exactly what is sounds like: an adorable elephant bear thing. Soulbound Studios says...

Guns of Icarus fires off a week of open alpha

Welcome to August, friends -- and welcome to the war as well. As of today, Guns of Icarus has opened the doors to all...

Project Gorgon plans music improvements, new forum, and lowbie crafting

Hey now, what is going on over in the realm of Project Gorgon? According to a developer preview post, there is a lot in...

Check out Master X Master’s wicked PvE side

Astute readers out there might recall that one of the reasons Master X Master is getting so much word-of-mouth praise is how the MOBA...

Snail Games resurrects massive sandbox Dark and Light

Boys and girls, today we are going to talk about Dark and Light. You might recall it as a mid-2000s MMO that had a...

The Daily Grind: When did you think an MMO sucked, only to change your mind once you played it?

A boardgame YouTuber I follow said something in his last video that I thought applied so beautifully to everything -- including MMORPGs. Chaz Marler has...

Grav takes steps to join the MMO club

What happens when you take a survival sandbox and start linking together all of its servers? You might actually end up with something that...
Wow, look; nothing.

Betawatch: Shroud of the Avatar is proudly persistent (July 29, 2016)

Let's make something clear: Shroud of the Avatar has not launched, it's just handled its final server wipe and will now be persistent moving...

Elder Scrolls Legends drops NDA, gives tips for advanced deck building

30If you have been playing in the Elder Scrolls Legends beta, we want to hear about your experiences. And it is now OK to share...
Don't besiege me bro.

Crowfall shows off the workings and creation of a ballista

When your castle is attacked in Crowfall, you have a few options. You could, for example, sit back and cry a bunch. That's time-honored,...

Here’s how the end (and restart) of Shroud of the Avatar will go down

Now that we are on the verge of Shroud of the Avatar turning the switch on for its persistent world state, it is important...
Floatgun Shothand.

Sunset Rangers gets greenlit on Steam

Eager to try your hand at surviving on the hot sands of the West, are you? Then you'll be happy to know that Sunset...

Shroud of the Avatar counts down the final days to its persistent world

We are just two days away from Shroud of the Avatar's final wipe and debut of its persistent world (albeit one that's still in...

Chronicles of Elyria debates day and season length, delays store

Put yourself in the shoes of a developer and ask: How long should a day/night cycle be? What about the seasons? What if those...
Das Test.

Betawatch: Das Tal weathers the summer alpha storm (July 22, 2016)

The doors are open for Das Tal's summer test, and the result has been good and bad. Good because a lot of people want...

Revelation Online’s class trailer offers six tempting playstyles

When it comes to upcoming games, one of the most pressing questions for any player is which class he or she will choose for...

Guns of Icarus opens Alliance PvE alpha for a week

If you like aspects of Guns of Icarus but want to play a version without the PvP, your wish will be granted for one...