
Shroud of the Avatar races to address issues before persistent world launch

Time is running short for Shroud of the Avatar to prepare for its persistent world launch at the end of the month. The team...

H1Z1 lets you harvest zombie blood

We know what you're thinking: "Zombie survival games are all well and good, but they don't really go far enough in allowing me to...

Revelation Online shows off the Blademaster’s moves

Last month's Revelation Online fly-through video slapped us across the face with how beautiful this upcoming game is, but is that beauty only skin-deep...

Exile Online shows off its weather system and armor concept

Whether you're in ye olde fantasy lands or the cold, dystopian future, weather is pretty much a constant force in the world. Exile Online...

Join Starfall Tactics’ pre-alpha event with a key from Snowforged and MOP

Snowforged Entertainment's online space strategy MMO Starfall Tactics is running another pre-alpha event for testers later this week. "Prepare to crash your opponents in intense tactical battles,...

There’s a Blade and Soul prequel in the works

Blade and Soul was one of the big western imports this year, but it's about to get some competition of its own making. NCsoft...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s Q&A bonanza (July 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Crowfall’s Myrmidon is treated to its own feature poster

Who has plans to play the mighty Myrmidon when Crowfall comes out? This minotaur looks absolutely frightening, a lumbering war machine full of muscles,...
Must we?

Betawatch: World of Warcraft and the art of pre-patch trolling (July 7, 2016)

We have a launch date for World of Warcraft's next expansion, but we don't have a date for the pre-patch before the expansion launches....
Not to be confused with BreakLawyers. That's a whole different game from the start.

LawBreakers hosts its third closed alpha this weekend

Anyone eagerly awaiting the next LawBreakers closed alpha test will be happy to know that the wait is almost over. There's still a wait...

Get your Dogma: Eternal Night fix with a trio of new videos

If your bloodlust is running a little high as you wait for Dogma: Eternal Night to be finished, then perhaps we can slake your dark...
Can't stop won't stop.

Das Tal plans both US and EU servers for summer alpha

Are you getting hyped for Das Tal's summer alpha? If not, was it because Fairytale Distillery planned only an EU server for the test,...

Albion Online overhauls several systems for its final beta

Is everyone super-excited about Albion Online's final beta test coming next month? Not only is there something magical about the word "final" in game...

New Dawn is the survival sandbox that pits natives against pirates

Game studios are a bit like Klondike gold rushers, always scurrying to jump on the current hot trend. So witness, friends, the swelling of...

Worlds Adrift’s writer cites Gulliver’s Travels as inspiration

Bossa Studios Lead Writer Matt Cook sat down for an in-house interview about his work in creating the story for Worlds Adrift. Cook cited...

Play dinos with us! The ‘MoPark’ ARK: Survival Evolved server has relaunched

Massively Overpowered is all about gamers who love games talking about games. And sometimes, we even get to play games together! This post heralds...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy XI expands its wardrobe (July 3, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Darkfall: New Dawn launches its public InDev server

One of the two Darkfall reboots has sort of won the race to release, as New Dawn announced this past week that it has...
Ride or... just ride, actually.

Betawatch: Riders of Icarus moves into head start (July 1, 2016)

Riders of Icarus has not launched yet; it's in head start. Yes, head start before open beta, rather than before, like, launch or something....

ARK championships rage on this weekend

This is the weekend that Americans will get out their grills, shoot off some fireworks, and celebrate their independence from the tyranny of dinosaurs....