
How starving in Crowfall can turn you into a ‘chicken’

Food in MMORPGs usually exists to provide luxury buffs for characters heading into raids, but for Crowfall it will be present to keep players...

Shards Online gets greenlit and adds player-run merchants

We all remember those important milestones in our life: Our first lost tooth, our graduation, our wedding, and of course, our debut on digital game...

Shroud of the Avatar goes persistent on July 28

The date of Shroud of the Avatar's pseudo-launch is just a little more than a month away, as Release 32 has been set for...

Das Tal creates a 14-step tutorial for July alpha test

The Das Tal team has its eyes set on the next big step for the game: July 16th's alpha test. When the alpha goes...

Saga of Lucimia eschews LFG tools to foster community

It's no secret that Saga of Lucimia is very much a group-based MMORPG, and as such, players will need to find other adventurers for...

Vigor Roads’ Kickstarter ends unsuccessfully, Project Genom plans crafting

As we covered in our last Make My MMO, the Kickstarter for NeuronHaze's post-apoc MMO Vigor Roads ended unsuccessfully over the weekend. The studio accepted the...

E3 2016: Master X Master might be the most MMO-like MOBA around

Despite Eliot's positive experience with Master X Master at PAX East back in April, I went into my demo at this year's E3 expecting very...

The Skies is still on track for a 2016 PC beta, 2017 console beta

Post-apoc F2P MMORPG The Skies has been busy since launching its early access alpha on Steam last month. Last week, it performed a mass...

AdventureQuest 3D preps its ‘biggest update ever’

The upcoming cross-platform AdventureQuest 3D is raising the stakes for the size and quality of its content delivery. Next Tuesday, June 21st, the team...
Also breaking MY HEART (not really)

Betawatch: A whole lot of E3 news (June 17, 2016)

This week was all about E3, and for MMO players, it didn't feature a whole lot of new titles. Oh, there was plenty of...

Crowfall’s seventh class is the mighty minotaur

One of the neat aspects of Crowfall's archetypes is how the team is scouting a wider range of fantasy races for its inspiration. Move over,...

The Reliant and Caterpillar will be Star Citizen’s next hangar-ready ships

Pulling together a game as complex as Star Citizen involves so many moving pieces and topics that it's almost impossible to wrap your head...
Gravity is sort of like a law.

E3 2016: LawBreakers is holding a test this weekend and makes plans for early access

The development team behind LawBreakers is getting ready to let players start roaming around in the game sooner rather than later. Sure, the game's...

E3 2016: State of Decay 2 is coming next year with co-op multiplayer

Bad news for humanity but good news for zombie apocalypse fans: Undead Labs announced today that it will be launching State of Decay 2...
Holiday road.

E3 2016: MMORPG sandbox Dual Universe’s alpha gameplay trailer

We got our first look at sci-fi MMORPG sandbox Dual Universe back in February when it first hinted at an alpha and announced its...

The Black Death puts in an early version of crafting

You can better believe that in a survival sandbox game, there's going to be a heapload of crafting. So it will be with The...

Camelot Unchained shows environmental art, teases major announcement

Camelot Unchained fans know that there's always a lot to unpack from each week's lengthy newsletters. And while there's a lot to chew on...
Yeah, that's your problem, definitely.

Betawatch: Paragon launches its essentials and plans for open beta (June 10, 2016)

If you're so eager to get into Paragon that you cannot wait another moment, you can buy in with the game's new Essentials Edition...

SkySaga brings in realm dungeons and beefs up guilds

Last month's SkySaga Alpha 8 patch is getting a helping hand this week with a small but important update that adds new options for adventuring...

Crowfall’s devs talk about zergs, movement, and promotions

You've got Crowfall questions? Well, ArtCraft's devs have Crowfall answers! Oh, sure, maybe not to every last little query that pops into your information-starved...