
A bit maudlin in tones, but...

Albion Online looks past on the five years of operation since its launch

Today does not mark the five-year anniversary since what Albion Online is counting as its official launch date of July 17th, 2017. That was...
Where does the time go?

Albion Online plans a special anniversary stream on Friday to celebrate five years of operation

It's really been five years since Albion Online opened its doors? My, how the time does fly. Fortunately for anyone feeling in a celebratory...

StarCraft II begins testing patch 5.0 with major co-op shake-up and new achievements

StarCraft II is preparing to celebrate its tenth anniversary, with patch 5.0 hitting the PTR with a wealth of new features. The biggest news here...
Take care.

A happy posthumous birthday to the dearly departed WildStar

Today marks the six-year anniversary of WildStar's release. There are no in-game events planned for the game, however, due to the fact that the game...

World of Warcraft celebrates its 14th anniversary with a historic event

It might be hard to believe, but this year marks the 14th anniversary since Blizzard changed the landscape of the MMO genre with the...
Twist and shout.

With 16 expansions under its belt, Path of Exile is celebrating its fifth birthday

Yesterday, Grinding Gear Games celebrated the five-year anniversary of its hit action-RPG Path of Exile, and to commemorate the occasion, the studio has published...

Vindictus celebrates its eighth anniversary, announces Halloween events

Bring out the cake and party hats, 'cause Nexon's free-to-play hack-and-slash MMO Vindictus is turning eight years old. To celebrate the occasion, the devs...

PWI celebrates its 10th anniversary, releases Redemption expansion

In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, PWI (aka Perfect World International) is receiving a new expansion, Redemption, that brings new zones, the new dungeon...

The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates Orsinium’s birthday with sales and rewards

Listen, The Elder Scrolls Online players, did you realize that Orsinium has been out for two years as of this month? Because it has....

Happy birthday to Fallen Earth, Aion, World of Warships, and Warhammer Online

This particular part of September is loaded with MMORPG and MMO birthdays. In addition to ArcheAge, whose corgipocalypse we've been covering already, and Ultima...

Pokemon Go’s first anniversary report card

July 6th, 2017, marks Pokemon Go's first year anniversary. Love it or hate it, it's a game that quickly made a global impact. It's been released...
Admiral Admirable!

Star Trek Online celebrates the franchise anniversary with an admiral’s uniform

This year, Star Trek Online celebrates an important anniversary. Star Trek has been around for 50 years, and whether you first fell in love...
I want to go back (go back)

Interview: Cryptic on the launch of Star Trek Online’s Agents of Yesterday

Today, players will get to go back in time in Star Trek Online. Only for your new characters, it's not actually back in time...

Diablo III offers a big boost for the Reaper of Souls anniversary

It's hard to believe that players have been enjoying the first Diablo III expansion for over a year, isn't it? Today specifically marks the...