
‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Guild Wars 2 submits a list of potential WvW-centered balance adjustments

It's time for the PvPers of Guild Wars 2 to maybe get worried and very possibly get upset to the point they make angry...

Destiny 2 previews October Crucible adjustments and Shadowkeep subclass ability tweaks

The drums of change continue to boom out over Destiny 2. The weekly report from Bungie provided a deeper look at how things are...

Leaderboard: Does Guild Wars 2 need another expansion?

If you've followed NCsoft's quarterly investor reports for the last many years, you've probably seen dozens graphs of Guild Wars 2's revenues and the...

Massively Overthinking: Do you ever feel guilty about ‘freeloading’ in a free-to-play MMO?

A few weeks back, Massively OP's Ben Griggs made an observation that I bet some readers can relate to. He mentioned that in his...

Destiny 2 improves several activity drop rates and cuts the price of Forsaken Complete on console

A few of the gear chases in Destiny 2 have gotten a little bit easier. With this week's patch, players should be seeing...

PAX West 2019: Elder Scrolls Online’s Rich Lambert on performance, LFG, and dragons

"Oh man! A new Skyrim!?" proclaimed an eager con-goer as I waited outside The First & Bell in Seattle. As I entered, the venue...
You won't believe the things I didn't bother telling you!

Vague Patch Notes: How MMO studio communication and player confidence really work

Here's the funny thing about communication from MMO studios: It's vital to the continued feeling of a healthy game, and yet at the same...

Guild Wars 2’s Living World magazine teases Bound with Blood, hardmode episode encounters

If you're old enough, you remember back when there were multiple competing video game magazines, and most of them would gladly run multi-page spreads...
Minnesota is hard done by here.

Guild Wars 2 studio says it ‘knows that there’s a demand for an expansion’

One of the tidbits of info we confirmed back when ArenaNet lost a third of its studio staff back in February was that Guild...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 236: Guild Wars 2’s dragons and Vikings

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW Classic, ArcheAge Unchained, PlanetSide Arena, Peria Chronicles, SWTOR, Conan Chop Chop, Last Oasis, Caravan Stories, and Champions Online, with a mailbag question on improving boring MMO tasks.

Flameseeker Chronicles: What we saw (and what we didn’t) in Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga announcement event

This past weekend’s announcement of Guild Wars 2’s continuation of the Living World story, entitled The Icebrood Saga, was met with all of the...

Guild Wars 1 fan remake posts trailer with Gwen’s flute, Prince Rurik, and plenty of river scale

Fans of the original Guild Wars might remember that this past spring we reported on an amateur game designer named Jomo who was looking...

The Daily Grind: Which class would you just love to port from one MMO to another?

Earlier this summer, Standing Stone Game announced a brand-new and unique class for Dungeons and Dragons Online: the Alchemist. No, it's not just another...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City DLC will be free during Imperial City Celebration event

Last year when The Elder Scrolls Online had its Imperial City Celebration, you had to purchase the related DLC, even though it was half...

Not So Massively: Pagan Online’s launch addresses its biggest beta problems

A few months back, I offered my impressions of Pagan Online's early access build. I found it to be a fun online ARPG hampered...

Guild Wars 2 community clashes over Icebrood Saga announcement disappointment

It's been a tumultuous couple of days in the Guild Wars 2 community following the announcement of the Icebrood Saga - saga, not season,...

Destiny 2’s next season will feature a season pass and an Artifact that improves your character

Seasons in Destiny 2 have always been a thing, and that's not changing once Shadowkeep makes its arrival to players of the shooter. What...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

Global Chat: MMO roleplaying explained for the rest of us

Game designer Brian Green has been on a writing streak as of late with a whole series of blog posts about roleplaying in MMORPGs....

Heading back to Guild Wars 2? Check out this fan summary of everything that’s changed

Guild Wars 2 is seven years old, so it stands to reason that the milestone has put the game back on the radar of...

Guild Wars 2’s next living story season, Icebrood Saga, begins September 17 with the Bound by Blood prologue episode

We're updating the post with the big news at the end! At noon today, ArenaNet is expected to take the wraps off Guild Wars 2's...