beta testing

Fallout 76 beta: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

Did you think it was possible for the bugs plaguing the no-wipe beta of Fallout 76 to get any worse? O ye, of little...

The MOP Up: Pagan Online slams ARPGs and MOBAs together

Tack this on your list of action-RPGs to watch. Mad Head Games announced that it is developing a blend of ARPG and MOBA with...
All right, here we go.

Betawatch: Torchlight Frontiers plans its alpha test for next week

Aw dang, check out the big brain on Torchlight Frontiers! First the game teases us with forts, which get to be our homes in...

Elite Dangerous updates Beyond: Chapter Four beta build, announces Extra Life event plans

It's the second week of beta testing for the next update to Frontier Developments's online space sim Elite Dangerous, Beyond: Chapter Four, and this...

Red Dead Redemption 2 shipped more boxes in eight days than Red Dead Redemption sold in eight years

It's been a hot minute since we talked about Red Dead Redemption 2, which launched last month in a flurry of "best game evers"...
Well, it's just a phase.

World of Warcraft Classic demo extended through the weekend

BlizzCon 2018 may be over, but virtual ticket holders have still been digging into the World of Warcraft Classic demo. Although the demo was...

Black Desert’s Xbox One beta has officially begun – here’s the trailer

It's happening: Black Desert's Xbox One beta has officially begun as of today, running through November 12th, with a slew of events on tap...

Smilegate MMORPG Lost Ark finally, finally starts Korean beta testing

You know that we've been anticipating, slavering, and hoping for Lost Ark for so long that when the Korean beta kicks off, it's a...

Bethsoft says it’s working on addressing Fallout 76’s many bugs, including the nastier exploits

I'm surprising no one by saying that Fallout 76's beta thus far has been a mess. We've seen report after report on the bugs...

Interview: Neowiz on Bless Online’s now-live Ruins of Shaqqara and the state of the game

Neowiz's beleaguered MMORPG Bless Online is live with its first big update since launching out of its open beta early access last month. Ruins of...

Fallout 76 still has lots of fun hacks that are being tracked down

What do you get when you combine a company legendary for its ability to release buggy or unpolished games and an online game with...

Camelot Unchained continues work on rubble physics, readied weapons, and the crafting UI

You might think that Camelot Unchained would be spending all its beta one time building the game, but no: City State is busy breaking...

The MOP Up: TERA opens SEA server and delivers Deathwrack to consoles

It was a pretty big week for action combat MMO TERA, starting with the delivery of the four-dungeon Deathwrack update to Xbox One and...

One Shots: A star is born

It's time for another amazing Fashion Week here at One Shots! It's like Shark Week, only with sleeker looks and less chum. Last time,...
I'm fine. We're fine. This is fine. Everything's fine like wine.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation tests battle royale, Occupy White Walls hands out beta keys

So... all right. Ashes of Creation has a secondary side battle royale mode that's going to be entitled Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse and is...

Camelot Unchained’s October newsletter delves into the development of the game’s magic system

October is now behind us, and that means it's time for City State Entertainment's monthly Camelot Unchained newsletter, in which the devs recap the...

Fallout 76’s Atom shop is in the game’s beta (but not usable just yet)

As you walk through the wasteland in the Fallout 76, be on the lookout for Atoms. Yes, with a capital letter, that's the game's...

That Fallout 76 speedhack ‘won’t be out until the game launches,’ Bethsoft says

For a while now, it's been pretty common practice among PC gamers to edit a game's .ini file in order to make tweaks to...

Leaderboard: Are you playing Fallout 76, Red Dead Redemption 2, or neither?

I have to wonder whether Bethsoft is having some regrets right now. It seems to me that Fallout 76's beta is being completely overshadowed...

Fallout 76’s PC beta window got off to a rough start

If you were aiming to tool around in last night's Fallout 76 PC beta episode, you probably found yourself a bit disappointed. Some folks...