
Spun out of EA as one of the last remnants of Mythic Entertainment, Broadsword now runs Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.


Get a crash course in the history of MMOs

Despite what your game's general chat might argue, World of Warcraft wasn't the first MMO and online games didn't magically become a thing with...

Dark Age of Camelot prepares to repossess a lot of abandoned houses

If you've got some property in Dark Age of Camelot that you haven't visited in a while, you might want to make a trip...

Ultima Online talks up the Treasures of Deceit system, new event tools, and dynamic quests

In the latest newsletter from Ultima Online, players are treated to a number of advance plans written by Broadsword's Bonnie Armstrong, chiefly looking forward...

The MOP Up: Sims Online’s rogue server goes sunbathing

FreeSO, the rogue server for the late Sims Online, is getting into the spirit of the season with a whole bunch of beach- and...

Massively Overthinking: Changing the mindset of the MMO genre

I recently saw a journalism professor argue that generating a widespread thinking shift in an entire profession can take decades. "You have to keep...
Capital city.

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Triglavian conflict comes to a head

The big conclusion of EVE Online's multipart Triglavian invasion is coming to a head with Quadrant 3: Zenith, which should hit soon. "Actions have consequences,"...

Wurm Online officially arrives to Steam starting today

As of 1:00 p.m. EDT today, Steam users are able to snap up Wurm Online on the platform. As in the full sandbox title...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever felt robbed in an MMO?

The title of this Daily Grind can go in a lot of directions, can't it? We could be talking here about an actual thief...
Your stuff, can I have it?

Ultima Online’s 109th update has arrived with new dynamic tools for event GMs

Happy patch day to Ultima Online fans! Publish 109 is live for the almost-23-year-old MMORPG, and it's a bit different from previous publishes, which...

Choose My Adventure: Exploring the Caves of Chaos in Dungeons and Dragons Online

I’ve heard you loud and clear, Dungeons and Dragons Online friends. There were a number of comments on last week’s column espousing the virtues...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

The Daily Grind: Do you have a favorite MMO PvP moment?

There was a fun thread on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit a while back that really made me miss solid MMORPG PvP. A player...

Procedural-gen MMO ReWorld Online teases coming PvP testing

We haven't touched on MMORPG ReWorld since last year, but a note on Reddit from the dev about the MMO's testing plans brought the...

Ultima Online teases publish 109’s global events system, Dark Age of Camelot begins Midsummer war event

Publish 109 is just a week away from Ultima Online's test center, Broadsword's latest newsletter for the seminal MMORPG says. "Global, persistent events are one...

The Daily Grind: Would we all be better off without MMO wikis and guides?

A few weeks ago, there was a supremely contentious thread on the MMORPG subreddit, one so contentious that the original poster deleted the thread...

The MOP Up: QuakeCon and Tankfest 2020 come to your home

If you are the sort who would much rather enjoy conventions from the comfort of your home, then 2020 is shaping up to be...
Make them fight.

Vague Patch Notes: MOBAs, battle royales, and shallow genre pools in the online gaming space

This past week, Nintendo announced Pokemon Unite, and then I had to go to see a doctor because I rolled my eyes so far...

MMO Business Roundup: Richard Garriott, Square-Enix’s charity, Stadia, and Team Fortress’ racist bots

Welcome back to another quick roundup of video games business and industry news relevant for the MMO genre. Richard Garriott: Apparently, the former icon of...
No screenshots yet, obviously.

Raph Koster will give more insight on Playable Worlds’ in-development MMO next year

We've been wondering just what Playable Worlds, the dev studio headed by Raph Koster, has cooking for the MMORPG world. During a an "MMO...

The Game Archaeologist: Were sequels ever a good idea for MMOs?

From movies to books to video games, sequels (and all related spin-offs) are a common sight when a property is sufficiently successful enough. Even...

Massively Overthinking: Deleting pieces of MMOs to save them

Two ideas floated across my virtual desk in recent weeks, neither directly relating to MMORPGs, but they put the nugget of an idea in...