An NCsoft studio known primarily for WildStar.
carbine studios
WildStar’s Sim-Chase event returns this weekend
Carbine has resurrected WildStar's Sim-Chase event.
First run back in January, the event challenges players to complete Adventures on both sides of the factional divide...
WildStar promises players more quality-of-life improvements
Say, whatever happened to the last time WildStar players talked with the developers about features they'd like to see in the game? Did anything...
WildStar previews Redmoon Terror’s first raid wing
If you missed WildStar's last livestream and you enjoy raiding, you might want to give it another look. Carbine Community Manager Jonathan Brown, Game...
NCsoft Q2 2016: WildStar up, Guild Wars 2 down
NCsoft's second quarter financials are in, and it's pretty good news for MMORPGs on the whole. Operating profit and net income are up quarter-over-quarter and...
WildStar releases its second soundtrack on August 23rd
Whether you're playing the game or not, it's hard not to acknowledge that WildStar has some top-shelf music. The first soundtrack is out now...
Empyrean Interactive outlines its plans to resurrect the MMO genre
Empyrean Interactive doesn't like the label of making an MMO; as we've covered here before, the studio prefers to frame its future games as...
WildStar introduces you to the evil pirates of Redmoon Rising
Call me Ish'amel.
Sorry, we couldn't resist the opportunity when WildStar wants to talk about Ish’amel the Bloodied and Captain Mordechai Redmoon. Moby Dick puns aside,...
Space pirates abound in WildStar’s newest raid
No matter where you go, no matter what games genre lines you cross, no matter how landlocked you become, sooner or later you will...
The Daily Grind: What would you change about your main character?
One of the drawbacks to investing in a huge chunk of time into a single character in most MMORPGs is finding out down the...
Massively Overthinking: Starting over with MMORPGs
This week's Massively Overthinking topic is from a reader named Yasser, who asked us:
"If you had to pick one MMO to experience all over...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 75: Future oracles
Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Guild Wars 2, Shards Online, LOTRO & DDO, FFXIV, Black Desert, and more, with a mailbag question on boosting GW2 characters.
WildStar lights a fire under PvP with its Battle Chase event
You know how your parents would sometimes outright bribe you to do something you were scared of or hated? Don't put it past an...
Global Chat: Pokemon GO mania sweeps the world
What became an overnight global phenomenon certainly prompted the MMO blogosphere to talk about their experiences and opinions with Pokémon GO!
To Game for Life...
WildStar dev stream shows off Heroes Evolved update, gender swapping
You could say that WildStar's recent Heroes Evolved update added a few things to the game. Besides the opportunity for players to buy a...
Massively Overthinking: The best MMORPG trailers of all time
This week's Massively Overthinking should be a fun one -- and hopefully it'll contrast nicely with the Game Archaeologist column we ran last week, which...
WildStar’s Heroes Evolved update brings in new class and race combos
WildStar now has a lot more options for how you build and create your characters, thanks to today's Heroes Evolved drop.
The update mainly focuses...
Battle Bards Episode 77: Spirit of Adventure 2
Steff has decreed the return of spirit of adventure -- and so it shall be! In the second part of this theme, the Battle...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 71: Falling to the Force
Justin, Bree, and Larry talk SWTOR's Dark vs. Light campaign, plus ESO, WoW, SOTA, WildStar's character boosts, EQII's $400 guild halls, and LOTRO's new raid, with a mailbag question on the Steam summer sale.
WildStar is making big game changes with its Heroes Evolved patch
You might have sensed a few changes in the wind coming for ol' WildStar, probably because Carbine's been hinting at and teasing them pretty...
WildStar is gearing up to sell max-level character boosts
Are you eager to hit the level cap in WildStar without quite so much of that "playing WildStar"? In other words, would you like...