The Daily Grind: What currently operating MMO would benefit the most from a visual overhaul?
Let's stop being realistic for a moment. Let's assume that a game currently running can get a complete visual overhaul. Not changing the overall...
Perfect Ten: MMOs that let you feel superheroic
So, hey, Captain Marvel is out now! And I'm writing this before having actually seen it, so I can't say word one about whether...
Wandering Wraeclast: First impressions of Path of Exile’s Synthesis
Something's different about Wraeclast. The air, the ground... it's changed. What could it be? If I could just put my finger on it before...
Choose My Adventure: New tools, same flailing in Legends of Aria
So, full disclosure here: This edition of Choose My Adventure is going to come from a perspective of limited play time. My "real" job...
The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMORPG for corpse runs?
Pretty much every MMORPG has some sort of corpse run - that is, when you die, you have to run some sort of gauntlet...
Wisdom of Nym: The rotating rewards of Final Fantasy XIV’s seasonal events
I'm not going to lie here: I'm really pretty disappointed with the rewards on offer for Granblue Fantasy's anniversary event. An event summon that functionally...
The Daily Grind: What do you think of Torchlight Frontiers so far?
Torchlight is up there with my most favorite franchises of all time. The existing multiplayer ARPGs are just pure fun, with bubbly colorful graphics...
EVE Evolved: The war on bots in EVE Online
The news dropped recently that EVE Online will be adding some new limitations and restrictions to its free-to-play tier, which may seem odd to...
Jukebox Heroes: Eldevin’s soundtrack
I can't say that Eldevin has ever risen very high on my MMO radar, but over the past year or so I've noticed that...
The Daily Grind: Do you try out MMOs in well-maintained maintenance modes?
It's not hard to play Final Fantasy XI or Guild Wars at this point. Both titles are in maintenance mode, yes; they've gotten their last major...
LOTRO Legendarium: The return of skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online
Out of all of Lord of the Rings Online's additional features that it has added post-launch, skirmishes have my vote as one of the...
The Daily Grind: If MMOs scaled back on combat, what should fill that space?
I know that I'm not the first or the last person to accuse modern MMOs of being far to combat-centric in their design, but...
WoW Factor: Why people are mad at Battle for Azeroth, part three: Leveling and scaling
Remember earlier this week when I was talking about the difference between leveling as a part of the game vs. leveling as a chore?...
The Survivalist: Space Engineers sloughs off early access and launches with revamped survival
Wouldn't you know it: One survival game has a big week and others want to follow suit! Space Engineers sheds its early access coil...
Vague Patch Notes: It’s not the MMO endgame – it’s the sudden stop at the end
When I first pitched the Vague Patch Notes that ran a couple weeks back, it prompted a big long discussion with MOP's editor Bree...
The Daily Grind: What are your expectations from buy-to-play MMOs in 2019?
Because I am old I still remember the halcyon days when the original Guild Wars shocked the world with its plan to serve as a...
Perfect Ten: Totally rad ’80s cartoons that would make bodacious MMORPGs
In another reality where our passion for MMORPGs is matched only by the power of nostalgia for the greatest era of cartoons, we would...
The Daily Grind: Does Neverwinter or DDO handle the D&D license better?
Ooh Justin, them's fightin' words!
We don't often have the luxury of seeing two full-fledged MMORPGs handle the same intellectual property, especially in vastly different...
Choose My Adventure: Running for my life in Legends of Aria
Welp, we're in the deep end now. Legends of Aria definitely is the sandbox that's giving me the hard knock schooling on sandbox MMORPG...
The Daily Grind: Do you game on a budget?
Last week, a friend of mine made an offhand comment about how much something dear to her cost, joking that it wouldn't seem like...