community discussion
The Daily Grind: How much effort do you put into your MMO guild names?
I don't think I am alone in thinking way, way too much about guild names, at least when I was first starting out in...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO shutdown surprised you the least?
The sudden announcement on Friday that Just Survive was being shuttered wasn't exactly welcome, but it also wasn't surprising either. Splitting the games always...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO gives you the best choices for character growth?
Between the talent panel and the new Heart of Azeroth interface, World of Warcraft's dev team certainly has embraced the concept of streamlined "interesting...
The Daily Grind: Do you ever feel addicted to MMOs or entrapped by compulsive gameplay mechanics?
MOP reader Alex recently wrote to us about the ongoing conversation sparked by WHO's controversial and not particularly well-supported "gaming disorder" classification, hoping we...
The Daily Grind: How do you take time off from an MMO?
Sometimes you need a break. That's natural; no matter how much you might like Neverwinter or World of Warcraft or EVE Online, you need...
The Daily Grind: Which anticipated MMO project did you end up ignoring altogether?
Let me tell you a tale of Sea of Thieves. For the year or so leading up to that game's launch, I was deep...
The Daily Grind: How kind are you to opposing players in an MMO?
The old expression is that character is who you are in the dark. I think that's true, but I also think character is who...
The Daily Grind: When have studios tried to ‘strong arm’ you into changing your MMO playstyle?
The other day when we reported how World of Warcraft had removed the auto-accept functionality from its group finder, Reader Kalech noted, "If people...
The Daily Grind: Should being an MMO ‘whale’ absolve a player of toxicity or push him to the front of a queue?
Longtime MOP reader Agemyth recently brought to our attention a couple of bits of commentary that disturb at least my own fundamental sense of...
The Daily Grind: How much of an MMO do you have to play before you feel you’ve got a handle on it?
MMOs are big. Really big. You wouldn't believe just how mind-bogglingly big they really are. Although you probably would, since you're here reading about...
The Daily Grind: How do you handle MMO alts when new content releases?
For those of you who only play one and just one character in any given MMO, today's discussion is probably not for you. But...
The Daily Grind: Did you go back to World of Warcraft for Battle for Azeroth?
Did they getcha? Did they suck you in again for another go-round?
I have a flurry of guildies in World of Warcraft right now thanks...
The Daily Grind: Do you have an MMO backlog, and if so, what’s on it?
If you follow the mainstream gaming media meta at all, you've probably noticed that a lot of sites, spurred on by Polygon, have been mulling...
The Daily Grind: Do you consider yourself an expert on your favorite MMOs?
Expertise is a funny thing; it's the sort of thing usually best demonstrated by never claiming it but simply showing it. Most people confronted...
The Daily Grind: Where have you gotten bogged down in MMO play?
Probably one of my biggest bugaboos (that's a technical term) in MMO play is when I get bogged down trying to progress through a...
The Daily Grind: How much time do you spend on aesthetics in MMOs?
You don't want to know how much time I've spent carefully decorating my characters' living spaces in Final Fantasy XIV. Or maybe you do;...
The Daily Grind: Is ‘god mode’ fun for MMO play?
Unlike some console and PC titles, online RPGs don't typically offer "god mode" (despite what you may have heard about certain classes). We don't...
The Daily Grind: How do you define ‘hardcore’ gaming?
Quantic Foundry's latest report from its gamer motivation study is well worth your time to read, but for this morning's Daily Grind, I want...
The Daily Grind: Have you ever had an MMORPG-related dream?
A real dream, not just a dream to top the raid leaderboard.
MOP reader CamelotCrusade submitted today's whimsical Daily Grind topic. "The other night I...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite bragging rights reward in an MMO?
The title I display most often in Final Fantasy XIV is "Sidestepper." It's not a flashy title, but it's a bragging rights reward because...