
Global Chat: The Hearthstone Hong Kongstraversy

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to the controversy swirling about Blizzard's heavy-handed censorship of a Hearthstone professional gamer and his statements on...

Shroud of the Avatar changes hands as Portalarium transfers assets to Catnip Games

Hey you know when's a good time to drop potentially bad news? Underneath somebody else's even bigger bad news. Apparently, today it's going to...

Perfect Ten: Kickstarter MMOs that raised the most money

The rise of crowdfunding in the mid-2010s swept a large wave of MMORPGs our way that might never have happened otherwise. For a while...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: The shabby ethics of Blizzard’s ‘Hong Kong liberation’ ban

Hooo boy, this was not an article I really expected to write this week. So, by now everyone's surely seen the news that Blizzard banned...

Black Desert for PC opens up a new area full of powerful monsters

Bringing up a character's level is all well and good, but that only really matters if you can pit that character against new challenges,...

Tamriel Infinium: Which province will The Elder Scrolls Online explore in 2020?

As the Season of the Dragon begins to wrap up for The Elder Scrolls Online, community speculation has begun to turn to what 2020...
Hello, I am still the villain.

Players, pros, and politicians join in protest over Blizzard’s censorship of Hong Kong Hearthstone pro

The furor over Blizzard's ban of a Hong Kong Hearthstone pro player and apparent firing of two Taiwanese commentators has only increased since its...

RuneFest 2019: Exploring RuneScape’s archaeology, dino breeding, and content through 2020

Do you know what I have been missing in my life? Baby dinos. I really miss getting to raise baby dinos. But thanks to...

Torchlight Frontiers’ alpha adds enchanting, contracts, and new class skills

Is it weird how Torchlight Frontiers' alpha updates are more exciting than many regular live MMO patches? Maybe it is because we are still...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs do away with stat armor entirely?

While I'm all about progression and acquisition for my MMO characters as they journey through the levels, I'm less and less enthused about collecting...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 241: The MMO industry reshuffles its deck

Justin and Bree are joined by Gamigo's Merv Lee Kwai aka Khrolan for a sponsored interview on ArcheAge Unchained, plus news on Guild Wars 2, Funcom's Tencent investment, Red Dead Online on PC, Raph Koster's new MMORPG, and adventures in WoW and City of Heroes.

Guild Wars 2’s Shadow of the Mad King Halloween festivities return October 15

Look, folks, as far as I'm concerned, Halloween season started September 1st. My porch pumpkins went up the instant August ended. So figure that...
We should really go somewhere specific.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Dragonhold DLC launches October 21 on PC, but the prologue questline is live now

We are barreling on to Elder Scrolls Online's last big DLC of 2019, Dragonhold, and as of today, we have an official date for...

Choose My Adventure: Figuring out the crazy train of Torchlight Frontiers’ Railmaster

So it turns out that the CMA readership would really like to see me run around with a murder train following me. This week's...

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMO experiences you feel you missed out on that can’t possibly be recreated now?

A while back, at the height of the WoW Classic hype, there was a thread on the MMORPG subreddit by an author who expressed...

Massively Uplifting: From weddings to memorials, gamers celebrate life in AQ3D, GW2, BDO, LOTRO, WoW, and more

It's an alphabet soup of good (MMO) vibes this month! While many may have returned to the school of hard knocks this fall, plenty...

Overwatch is getting a young adult novel focused on Orisa’s creator, Efi Oladele

Those of you who know your Overwatch lore no doubt recognize the name Efi Oladele, the creator of robotic hero Orisa in the wake...

RuneFest 2019: Old School RuneScape’s Morytania expansion, Twisted league, group ironman, and clans

What's in store for Old School RuneScape in 2020? Plenty. Before the big stage reveal at this year's RuneFest 2019, John Colgrave, product manager...

Pantheon’s Brad McQuaid’s recent dev blogs cover everything from PvP to instancing

Pantheon fans, if you haven't swung by the official site in a few days, you definitely should. Visionary Realms' Brad "Aradune" McQuaid has been...

Shroud of the Avatar dates next SotACon event, releases more Episode 2 bundles

Sometimes you have to root around in the Shroud of the Avatar update digest to find the interesting stuff. Digest #352 kind of has...