
ArcheAge spawns fresh Reddit drama over pay-to-win

Third time's a charm with Reddit! Remember back in March when a Skyforge moderator threatened to ban anyone using the term pay-to-win and was...
Shroud of the Avatar

The Daily Grind: Has your favorite MMO been DDoSed?

So, Shroud of the Avatar got DDoSed yesterday. Shroud of the Avatar!? While there's really no excuse for any DDoS attack, it kind of...

Shroud of the Avatar gets slammed by DDoS attack

If you're having trouble accessing Shroud of the Avatar's website or game, don't worry -- it's not you. The devs posted a notice on...

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...
This was a real game that existed.

WRUP: This game existed, no one cared edition

The above screenshot is from Fantasy Earth Zero, a title that was developed by Square-Enix, launched to a resounding thud, got resurrected by another...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gets you exploring?

You want to hear something weird? For as much crap as WildStar got about its path system, I actually do love to explore in...

WoW Factor: A three million loss lesson

It's been a little while, hasn't it, friends? In the time since I last penned WoW Factor (which missed an installment purely due to...

The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?

Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....
Space Engineers

Space Engineers opens its code base to modders

Hey space engineers, how would you like access to the source code of, um, Space Engineers? You can have it, since developer Keen Software...

Survarium reverses its disastrous server merge

Even though they may be feared, server merges are a fact of life in many MMOs. One such merge came this past April in...
Dungeons? Check. Dragons? Check. What else could need changing?

Neverwinter outlines new and upcoming changes

When lead designer Scott Shicoff took point on Neverwinter, his first dispatch to the community was a statement that he and the rest of...

Heroes of the Storm World Championship coming to BlizzCon

With the well-fought Heroes of the Dorm tournament out of the way, Blizzard is preparing an even larger community event for Heroes of the...
THere's a big picture here that you may not be seeing.

The Daily Grind: Would you try a Darkfall reboot?

Yesterday's news regarding the possibility of a classic Darkfall server was pretty great. I loved Aventurine's 2010-era fantasy gankbox, and I'd resubscribe or even repurchase the client...

Heroes of the Storm devs talk Kael’Thas and character design

Wondering how Blizzard's developers choose from the studio's incredible roster of characters and then crafted those selections into Heroes of the Storm's champions? Then...

Massively Opinionated: EVE vs SWTOR vs The Plunderbund

In this episode, Larry, Cosmic Engine, Brendan, and Redna debate MMORPG community platforms, guilds, and building strong communities.
It looks nice at a glance, all right.

Tree of Savior was greenlit on Steam in just 10 hours

Yesterday, we let you fine readers know that Tree of Savior had gone the way of all indie games (or at least many of...

The Daily Grind: Has eating and drinking in MMOs become passé?

It's sometimes so odd to me what game mechanics aim to mimic real-life behaviors and activities while so much else is ignored. We drink,...

The Stream team: Soaking up SWTOR’s story XP bonus

Star Wars: The Old Republic is tossing out story XP willy-nilly right now, and Massively OP's Larry has talked MJ into diving back in...

WildStar subreddit mod bans F2P and B2P discussions

Hope you didn't have plans to talk about WildStar's possible conversion to a new business model on Reddit because one of the game's subreddit...