
We all become done.

WoW Factor: Where WoW Vanilla’s and WoW Classic’s communities diverge

I want to talk about the community in WoW Classic because I think it's interesting and it's been on my mind ever since the story we...

Winter events kick off in Anarchy Online and Age of Conan, Conan Exiles launches a holiday contest

It seems like a lot of MMOs and multiplayer games are starting to realize that Christmas is arriving in less than a week. Case...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends plans Life Day, new heroics, and a contest judged by George Lucas’ son

SWTOR and Fortnite aren't the only games in our wheelhouse that are jumping on the Star Wars Rise of Skywalker hype train. According to...

Into the Super-verse: 13 text-based superhero MMOs you can play today

As part of this column covering superhero MMORPGs, we have looked at the usual suspects: MMOs of the past (Champions Online, City of Heroes,...

One Shots: If it doesn’t have a tail, it’s not a monkey

No lie, when I had pulled up this screenshot from reader Vincent, I happened to be listening to "Big Ape City" from Donkey Kong...

Fight or Kite: MMORPG PvP is about competition, not combat

Over the last month, Eliot has written a Daily Grind and Perfect Ten that really got me thinking about what PvP truly is. He...
Why Is Trion Like This, Just Kidding, We Actually Know

Gamigo tells MMO players ‘the development of RIFT hasn’t stopped’

It's been a nail-biting year for RIFT players following the collapse of Trion Worlds and the sale of the game over to Gamigo. There's...

Ship of Heroes and City of Titans share character creation test results

As you may have known, over the past month both City of Titans and Ship of Heroes have released their respective character creators to...
we go

US politician shades Blizzard over World of Warcraft toxicity

Last week, the gaming world was a tad busy running Halloween events and watching BlizzCon, so it passed almost without notice that a US...

Warframe releases the Old Blood, celebrates Switch anniversary, and boosts Movember

Surprise! Warframe has unleashed another bloody huge torrent of news items all over me! Why am I forsaken? What did I ever do to...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: The many flavors of MMO PvP

Not so long ago (so, at the rate news has come out since then, what feels like decades ago) I wrote a column about...

Neverwinter celebrates the season with the Masquerade of Liars and Contest of Liars events

MMOs, by their very nature, let players be someone or something they're not, which is a stark reminder for me every time I look...

Final Fantasy XI brings out the Harvest Festival for another year of costumed antics

Players with long memories who were there for the Final Fantasy XI launch in North America no doubt recall that it coincided with the game's...

RuneScape 2019: RuneScape’s focus on community shines in Golden Globes and cosplay

What is RuneFest? We have reported on the announcements, but that's the convention actually like? As I had only attended RuneScape's 15th anniversary before,...

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR prepared for the Onslaught?

Welcome back to the Hyperspace Beacon. I have taken a much-needed break over this summer to come back to the first expansion that Star...

Black Desert preps Halloween and Great Expedition on PC, awakens the Tamer on Xbox One

Black Desert Online's PC version is busy prepping its boat for the Great Expedition update coming next week, but in the meantime, there's Halloween...

Enter to win a Neverwinter Couturier Pack for PC courtesy of PWE and MOP!

With the launch of Uprising now rolled out to Neverwinter's PC and console players, PWE has kindly given Massively OP 50 Couturier Packs keys...

Vague Patch Notes: Copies, blatant copies, and plagiarism in MMOs

So... this was honestly not the story that I had expected to have wound up coming out of Eternal Magic. I'd been expecting that "beauty...

Enter to win a TERA-themed PS4 console from En Masse and MOP (open to NA/EU!)

We've got a truly awesome giveaway lined up today: To celebrate MMORPG TERA, we've partnered with En Masse to give one lucky MOP reader...

City of Heroes: Homecoming patches in the third part of Issue 26 with new stories and powers

At long last, City of Heroes players who have been aching for new story content have an option for exactly that with the release of...