
EVE Vegas 2018: EVE Echoes, EVE Online’s mobile adaptation, is launching in 2019

When CCP Games started shifting some of its focus to the mobile games market recently, we heard rumblings of a mobile version of EVE...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse recaps Squadron 42 and CitizenCon 2948

Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner are back after CitizenCon last week with another Star Citizen Around the Verse video, and this time it's all...

Blizzard will announce ‘Diablo-related news’ at BlizzCon, but it’s not what you want to hear

Lately there's been a whole lot of speculation surrounding Diablo, with rumors flying left and right about what may be in store for the...
Dark down.

EVE Vegas 2018 is this weekend: Here’s what to expect from the show

It's that time of year again when internet spaceship nerds descend on Las Vegas to get incredibly drunk find out what the future holds...

EVE Evolved: Wars are literally ruining EVE Online

EVE Online is fundamentally about real conflict between players on massive scales, and yet I would venture to say that wars are literally ruining...

SoulWorker addresses PvP, login rewards, and the future of the game

Yesterday, the folks at GameForge posted a new Q&A video that was recorded during Gamescom 2018, in which SoulWorker Product Manager Noemi and Live...

Tamriel Infinium: First impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire from the PTS

As I said at the time of my ESO PAX experience, "I got to spend maybe 15 minutes in Murkmire while in a crowded,...

Black Desert Online will show off new Archer class, Drieghan expansion at TwitchCon 2018

The folks at Pearl Abyss and Kakao Games have announced their plans for TwitchCon 2018, where they'll be showing off the upcoming Archer class...
No, we'd still prefer not.

Fallout 76 is essentially another ‘alone together’ MMO, previewers report

Bethsoft is on an all-out media Blitz for Fallout 76 today - even the Washington Post lowered itself to a hands-on with a video...
Here we go again.

BlizzCon 2018: Blizzard posts Viewing Party Kit for those stuck at home, and we are so hungry now

If you thought the price hike for the BlizzCon virtual ticket was too high at $50 this year, especially with less swag than usual,...

Blizzard is apparently taking measures to foster diversity and inclusion at BlizzCon 2018

Diversity and inclusion have been hot topics in the gaming industry for some time now, and it's one that Blizzard plans to put front-and-center...

Leaderboard: Are you buying a BlizzCon virtual ticket this year, and is WoW Classic the reason?

Oof, some people really, really do not like jokes about BlizzCon, as I found out Sunday when my throwaway headline about paying Blizzard 50...

CCP Games offers DUST 514 veteran reward accounts in upcoming Project Nova

Those of you who have been following the highs and lows of EVE Online developer CCP Games over the years will remember the story...

Trove interview teases upcoming Geode surface world, gem tutorial, dungeon design, and Bomber Royale’s reception

At the tail end of September, Trove website Trovesaurus posted up a belated but quite welcome Gamescom interview with Trion Worlds that gives a...
Back in time.

BlizzCon 2018: Blizzard reveals key panels for Diablo, WoW Classic

We're just a month away from BlizzCon now, and as it's the biggest last gaming con of the year that we focus on, we're...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Massively OP Podcast episode 189: Time traveling to 2004

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, WildStar, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Maplestory 2, Age of Conan, Fallout 76, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars Galaxies, and Trove, with mailbag questions on SWTOR, starting as a true newbie in WoW, and power imbalances in MMOs.

MMO Business Roundup: FIFA lockboxes, anti-swatting policy, Fortnite on SNL, Free Guy, UO postmortem

Whenever our newsroom gets overloaded with weird industry-related articles that nobody feels like writing, another edition of the MMO Business Roundup gets its wings! FIFA...
Well, we got something right!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s leaks and the seduction of partial information

I'm going to start off with a statement that should be fairly uncontroversial but could be otherwise and refer back to it: At this...

WoW Classic will be playable at BlizzCon – and also with a virtual ticket

Hey remember how on yesterday's podcast we were speculating on what big news World of Warcraft might have for BlizzCon, now that Blizzard's already...

EVE Evolved: Two ways that EVE Online’s monetisation could be expanded under Pearl Abyss

When Pearl Abyss bought out CCP Games last week, the overwhelming message to EVE Online players was that it would be business as usual...