
Trove interview teases upcoming Geode surface world, gem tutorial, dungeon design, and Bomber Royale’s reception

At the tail end of September, Trove website Trovesaurus posted up a belated but quite welcome Gamescom interview with Trion Worlds that gives a...
Back in time.

BlizzCon 2018: Blizzard reveals key panels for Diablo, WoW Classic

We're just a month away from BlizzCon now, and as it's the biggest last gaming con of the year that we focus on, we're...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Massively OP Podcast episode 189: Time traveling to 2004

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, WildStar, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Maplestory 2, Age of Conan, Fallout 76, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars Galaxies, and Trove, with mailbag questions on SWTOR, starting as a true newbie in WoW, and power imbalances in MMOs.

MMO Business Roundup: FIFA lockboxes, anti-swatting policy, Fortnite on SNL, Free Guy, UO postmortem

Whenever our newsroom gets overloaded with weird industry-related articles that nobody feels like writing, another edition of the MMO Business Roundup gets its wings! FIFA...
Well, we got something right!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s leaks and the seduction of partial information

I'm going to start off with a statement that should be fairly uncontroversial but could be otherwise and refer back to it: At this...

WoW Classic will be playable at BlizzCon – and also with a virtual ticket

Hey remember how on yesterday's podcast we were speculating on what big news World of Warcraft might have for BlizzCon, now that Blizzard's already...

EVE Evolved: Two ways that EVE Online’s monetisation could be expanded under Pearl Abyss

When Pearl Abyss bought out CCP Games last week, the overwhelming message to EVE Online players was that it would be business as usual...

Diablo III’s 15th season, Boon of the Horadrim, launches September 21

Holy crap, Diablo III is up to season 15. I think the last one I actually played through was 7. Maybe I'll be rectifying...

ZeniMax outlines everything coming in Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire DLC

Murkmire cometh to The Elder Scrolls Online, and ZeniMax has a preview of the DLC up today to entice players into the swamp along...
Here we go again.

BlizzCon reveals the first digital freebie and prepares for more pre-show build-a-panel fun

Begun, the BlizzCon has. Sort of. Yesterday's video reveal of what promises to be the first of several virtual freebies from the Virtual Ticket...

Dauntless previews The Middleman, its new NPC cell crafter

Some folks would be trying to cut out the middleman, but not Phoenix Labs: The studio is bringing The Middleman into Dauntless. He's basically...
Evil Shooter Squad, ahoy!

Check out the BlizzCon attendee swag before you catch the pre-show kickoff

Like Christmas, BlizzCon is arriving earlier every year. Yes, the actual convention doesn't start until late October, but there's a pre-show kickoff event taking...

Survival MMO Rend patches in reputation tweaks, smarter mobs, and jump nerfs

Patch 4.1 descends on Rend today when the servers return from maintenance, and it's a bit of a hodge-podge of tweaks and fixes. Notably: ...

DragonCon 2018: On SMITE’s studio split, new god teases, and (no) permanent adventures

Once I knew I'd be able to attend a SMITE panel and interview devs at DragonCon 2018, I knew the first question I would...

EVE Evolved: What could the sale of CCP Games mean for EVE Online?

Just a few days ago, we awoke to news so unexpected that it made me check I hadn't time-traveled to April 1st: EVE Online...

PAX West 2018: The PWE gauntlet of Neverwinter and Torchlight

If you had told me five years ago that Perfect World Entertainment would not only own but make many of the games that they...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO character is your all-time favorite?

Here's a fun little perk of working at Massively OP: We get to choose the headers, and quite often we writers use screenshots from...
Sports is the same.

Overwatch League signs on six more teams for its 2019 season

If Blizzard were to stop adding new things to Overwatch, it would die, like some sort of new content shark. That's already a known...

Massively Overthinking: Massively OP’s PAX West 2018 awards and poll

Most of this year's PAX West content is finally finished, and while we're about to give MOP reporter Larry Everett a much-needed breather, we've...

PAX West 2018: Every mobile game should play like Elder Scrolls Blades

I don't usually report on mobile games, but I do play quite a few of them. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Mario Run, and...