
Official Site: Crucible
Studio: Amazon Game Studios

Also one of Destiny’s expansions.

The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2020?

We've had some brutal years for MMORPG sunsets. But surprisingly, this wasn't one of them. I mean, yes, we lost games, but not as...

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO surprises of 2020

Whew. We're finally getting close to the end of 2020, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that it...

Destiny 2 provides a peek at changes to weapon types, exotics, and adept weapons coming in Beyond Light

As we've noted before, Destiny 2's Beyond Light expansion is going to be changing quite a bit. Earlier in the month there was a...
I half-see.

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMOs you wish could get the Crucible treatment?

And I don't mean the cancellation part - I'm talking about the way Amazon pulled Crucible back into development in the first place. There wasn't...
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon promises its next alpha this month while looking for investments

There are problems on display right now for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. This is upsetting to type, of course, but the late Brad McQuaid's next...
Oh no.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 292: Burning down the Amazon gameforest

Justin and Bree discuss Crucible, Star Trek Online, Black Desert, FFXIV, Star Citizen, WoW, MMO Halloween, and new games from CCP and Zenimax, with adventures in LOTRO, WoW, SWG Legends, and Torchlight III, plus an audio mailbag topic on ragequitting.

Amazon just killed off another online game – this time it’s Crucible

Like Breakaway before it, Amazon's Crucible is over before it began. Before it began again. It really depends where you start counting. Yes, Amazon...

Trove’s ‘hubdate’ patch delivers an improved landing experience

It's a real toss-up whether Trove's "Hubdate" patch or Blizzard's "BlizzConline" is going to win the prestigious award for "Most Annoyingly Clever MMO Portmanteau."...
Mr. Anderson, welcome back.

Betawatch: Crucible keeps working on the Heart of the Hive

Ah, Crucible, you entered our lives so quickly and then exited equally quickly... but only back to beta. You might think this is unnecessary...
Gun or run.

Crucible’s latest beta patch brings major improvements to characters and the Heart of the Hive

The latest beta patch for Crucible is all about delivering on one of the game's stated major design goals when moving back into beta with...
Patch, patch, patch.

Betawatch: Craftopia is doing the difficult Early Access work

There's kind of a pall around early access games, mostly because a lot of them launch into early access and then faff about pointlessly. But Craftopia...
Oh no.

Crucible previews several adjustments coming to Heart of the Hives mode

The devs of Crucible would like to inform those in the game's beta take two of what it's got planned for the Heart of...

The MOP Up: Legends of Runeterra unwraps a new expansion

Riot Games' digital card game Legends of Runeterra made a big splash this past week as it released its first big expansion. "The Call of...
I half-see.

Vague Patch Notes: Balance in MMOs is overrated

Earlier this week, we did a post all about balance in Crucible. It was a detailed post explaining all of the ways that the...

Crucible’s designers explain how the game’s balance is achieved

So, how does balance work in Crucible? As in any competitive game, balance is important, but it's kind of a vague and nebulous concept...

Crucible’s latest beta patch introduces a big overhaul for scenarios and objectives

Crucible has been one of online gaming's punching bags of the summer, what with Amazon's decision to pull the once-launched title back into closed...
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of of theoretical games.

Betawatch: The silence on Squadron 42 was all about a video not being pretty enough

So Star Citizen fans were more than a little miffed that the news on Squadron 42 had slowed from "a crawl" to "did that...
Gone, girl.

Amazon’s Crucible delays next beta phase

For hopeful fans of Amazon's Crucible, it has not been the most comforting of summers. At the end of June, the studio announced that...
It tracks.

Vague Patch Notes: New World delays to add the game into the game

All right. Someone has to ask it, and it doesn't need to be me but it's still going to be me because I feel...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about the New World delay?

Last week's Friday afternoon news was the revelation that Amazon's MMORPG New World has been delayed for at least the third time that we...