
Have a little empire. As a treat.

Final Fantasy XIV updates its official preview site for the release of patch 4.56

The hour fast approaches to conclude the Stormblood story and lead into Shadowbringers in Final Fantasy XIV. Unfortunately for fans eagerly awaiting this conclusion, that hour does...
Central division.

The Division 2 players datamine Dark Hours information as box sales get off to a slow start

Fans of The Division 2 have started to explore the game in the playing-for-keeps world of launch over the weekend, and the game's subreddit is...
No, this isn't it.

Epic addresses store roadmap, privacy; Steam finally confronts review bombing

If you've been waiting impatiently for the Epic Store to have various expected features like cloud saves and user reviews, the good news is...
We're going to be here for a very long while, princess.

Final Fantasy XI development is focusing on something ‘that can surprise everyone later on’

The amount of support that Final Fantasy XI gets in a declared maintenance mode is in and of itself surprising, but that is apparently not...
Yes, we're all very impressed over here.

The Daily Grind: What would cause you to stop playing your main MMO?

In the broadest terms, it's easy to know what makes you stop playing an MMO. Specifically, you're just not having fun any more, or...

Old School RuneScape improves its quest panel while providing plenty of sand storage

Do you need help storing sand in old school RuneScape? Good news, then, as the game's latest patch adds in a new Sandstone grinder that...

Albion Online answers questions about randomized dungeons from players

The developers at Albion Online are hyped about the game's new randomized dungeons. That makes perfect sense. But they also recognize that players have...

Champions Online brings in hip new armor for the Circus Malvanum race

It's hip to wear armor in Champions Online. Wait, no, that's not quite what we're supposed to say, sorry; it's that there's a new...
Here we are.

No Man’s Sky is planning its major Beyond update for the summer with online play

We've been covering No Man's Sky for a long while here, first because the game was supposed to have a multiplayer component and then...

Overwatch explores the lore and mechanics behind Baptiste before his live release

Good news, Baptiste fans, the new healer is going to be deployed to Overwatch's live servers within the next couple of weeks according to the...
I'm on a dinosaur.

World of Warcraft hotfixes Allied Race issues along with various balance tweaks

The newest Allied Races in World of Warcraft had some issues. Not game-breaking ones, perhaps, but being unable to complete any quests up in Northshire...
Not Destiny.

Anthem has more loot changes planned, including significant changes in the next few months

Would you like to hear a joke? Here we go: Anthem loot. Yes, it's basically something no one is happy with, but the bright side...
The last of whoever.

The Division 2 fixes the Castle bug, offers wildly confusing preload chart ahead of launch

It's not quite launch for The Division 2 (that's tomorrow), but the game has dropped in a nice solid patch to fix lingering issues ahead...
Pretty, still.

The Daily Grind: What currently operating MMO would benefit the most from a visual overhaul?

Let's stop being realistic for a moment. Let's assume that a game currently running can get a complete visual overhaul. Not changing the overall...

Pagan Online appears to be what happens when you cross Diablo with a MOBA

So, what will it be like to get into the real loot-grindy aspects of Pagan Online when the game is available for everyone? It's hard...
Oh. Hunger beasties. Cool.

Crowfall buffs Hunger shard hunting by improving rewards and skills

The most recent patch to Crowfall quietly tweaked a rather important aspect of the game's spawning Hunger crystals, and it's a small change but a...
hnn... colonel

Apex Legends developer reminds players that datamined information is not a development roadmap

Gosh, people really do seem to love Apex Legends, and with that comes the natural human impulse to dig around in the game's data files...
This is... better?

EverQuest’s Holly Longdale discusses Daybreak’s reacquisition thrust

Is the original EverQuest doing better than it ever has? Probably not; the game has been running for 20 years now. But it has been...
Oh, great, neat.

Black Desert Online’s third anniversary celebrations continue with Glimmering Old Moon event and weekly update

March is the third anniversary for Black Desert Online, and it's celebrating through a number of events. To be fair, a lot of events...

RuneScape is yanking the Bounty Hunter system, consolidating shape-changing, and more

Sometimes the best way to improve content in an MMO is to throw it away, remove it from the game, and then pretend it...