darkpaw games


EverQuest begins the brand-new Scorched Sky Celebration

Darn it, EverQuest, if there were ever a time when you could get away with intentional misspelling it would have been now. This could...

These are the online gaming companies supporting reproductive choice and healthcare for workers

When news of the impending overturn of Roe v. Wade in the United first leaked in early May, so few games companies spoke up...

Massively Overthinking: The second big five MMOs

So here in the MMORPG genre, we've been working under the assumption for the last few years that the "big five" MMOs that dominate...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 378: That MMO fresh start feeling

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic, Diablo Immortal, Neverwinter, Echo of Soul, Gloria Victis, Palia, and Marvel Heroes, with adventures in Elder Scrolls, Arcane Waters, LOTRO, and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag topic on MMOs and accessibility.

EverQuest makes the Torment of Velious expansion available for all free-to-play players

EverQuest is making like you're an audience member at a live taping of the Oprah show today. You get a copy of Torment of...

Massively Overthinking: ‘Every MMO inconvenience is someone else’s game’

A while back, someone in our comments (I can't find it again, so I can't remember who!) dug up a quote from Raph Koster...

Monsters & Memories shares its first video update from development

Feeling as though the work that the team was doing last month would be better represented in a visual fashion, Monsters & Memories' developers...

EverQuest II starts its Summer Jubilee with Tinkerfest’s return, EverQuest brings back Hardcore Heritage

Generally speaking, the elder statesmen of our genre are some of the more "hardcore" titles by mere dint of their age and some creaky...

Massively Overthinking: Making money in MMOs – easy, hard, or in-between?

A few days ago, I was hanging out in a certain MMORPG's Discord when an age-old class fight broke out - and I don't...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida skipped Final Fantasy XI at launch to play Dark Age of Camelot

Naoki Yoshida is best known for his role as the producer and director of Final Fantasy XIV, but the fact of the matter is...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 375: Mail call!

Justin and Bree dip into the mailbag to discuss the Marvel MMO, unique MMO character names, the future of MMO tech, representation in MMOs, MMO account hassles, mobile EverQuest, better roleplay tools, and expansion forgetfulness.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unique hybrid class in an MMO?

Back in the long long ago, the idea of "hybrid" classes and skills sets was a big deal. Classic EverQuest, for example, borrowed from...

Classic EverQuest launches speed-unlock and ‘true-box’ progression servers

EverQuest II isn't the only EverQuest getting a progression server this week - in fact, its elder sibling EverQuest is getting two, and both...

EverQuest II opens its new Varsoon progression server

If the slate of advertisements on this very site wasn't a clue already, know that a new progression server for EverQuest II known as...

EG7 Q1 2022 financials: EG7 has canceled Daybreak’s Marvel MMORPG

Remember earlier this month when NetEase announced that Jack Emmert was heading up a new NetEase studio called Jackalope Games, meaning that he was...

EverQuest II’s first annual Summer Jubilee merges three summertime events into one seasonal soiree

If you enjoy EverQuest II's summer events, then you'll probably be a fan of the game's new annual Summer Jubilee, which will combine Tinkerfest,...

EverQuest II invites players to test the newest incarnation of Tinkerfest

How do you feel about tinkering? If your answer is "ambivalent to negative," you may want to just move on; EverQuest II is trying...

EverQuest II’s newest progression server, Varsoon, opens its doors May 24

Last month, Daybreak revealed that EverQuest II was destined to launch a new time-locked expansion server in May. It hit beta last week, and...

EverQuest prepares to merge older progression servers in June

Two of EverQuest's progression servers are almost to the end their run, and as a result, they are ready to be absorbed into the...

EverQuest guild woke the Sleeper on P99 Green – and all hell broke loose

If you read our recent Game Archaeologist column on it, you'll know that there's a whole lot of meaningful history behind a slumbering crystalline...