The Daily Grind: What are the best MMO in-game communication tools that aren’t chat?
Way back in the heyday of Star Wars Galaxies, the game introduced a new concept that never really took off to the same degree...
The MOP Up: Diablo IV walks back a nerf to lacerate
Diablo IV reverted a recent nerf to one of its key skills: "We have heard feedback about how this change limited the desired functionality of...
Epic successfully sued a Fortnite cheater – and forced him to post a public apology video
Ten years ago, then-Daybreak-president John Smedley created some fun MMO drama when he went on Twitter and ranted his heart out over the nearly...
Perfect Ten: MMOs with the very best soundtracks
I've long had an affection for video game music and feel content to live in an age where I can actually obtain it and...
Palia’s Kilima Couture update is live with stickers, eyeliner, and a snail plushie
As promised, Daybreak-owned studio Singularity 6 has officially launched Palia's Kilima Couture patch this afternoon. "The brand-new update is all about self-expression, with a...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 506: MMO housing, jet packs, and money
Justin and Bree discuss WoW housing, Stars Reach's plans, Pantheon's weird controversy, Star Trek Online's Unveiled, Black Desert's flying mounts, and Q4 financial reports from Daybreak, NCsoft, Pearl Abyss, Square Enix, Kakao, and Nexon, plus adventures in LOTRO, Stars Reach, SWG Legends, LOTRO, WoW, and The Sims 4.
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite villain group in an MMORPG?
I admit the temptation to talk about Star Wars Galaxies' Meatlumps today because they are fun and weird and such a fun little piece...
Project Gorgon’s Sandra Powers is memorialized in World of Warcraft – twice
Did you guys know that the late Sandra Powers, MMORPG developer and one-half of the Project Gorgon team, was once a leading figure over...
The Daily Grind: Should roads in MMORPGs actually matter?
Readers might remember that when we awarded the rogue server of the year to Star Wars Galaxies Legends back in December, we specifically noted...
PlanetSide 2 takes a break from the war for a Valentine Directive
One might think that the soft affectionate fuzzies of Valentine's Day might not exactly fit in a futuristic battlefield setting, but don't tell PlanetSide...
Cozy mini MMO Palia teases its next update with plushes, spa day decor, and makeup
Palia is teasing next week's update, the Kilima Couture update, which lands on Tuesday. Granted, it doesn't seem to be a particularly large update,...
EverQuest II tosses eight new raids in to the mix while unlocking two progression server expansions
Any old MMORPG can pump out an expansion and make a big deal out of it, but what about more than one in a...
Working As Intended: Playing house – er, apartment – in SWG Legends
This week, I'm starting up a new miniseries called Playing House here in the Working As Intended column, and it's entirely the fault of...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMO games, events, and ideas hitting the decade mark in 2025
A decade is a long time. It's kind of weird that we don't think much about games or shows or whatever hitting the decade...
Superman loves you, says DC Universe’s Valentine event
Toss aside any significant others you may have in your life, for they are but used tissue paper when compared to the magnificence of...
The Riot MMO just lost yet another key staffer, this time its technical director
Don't panic, but another top dev has moved on from Riot Game's Runeterra MMO, what we usually refer to around here as the Riot...
EG7 Q3 2024: Palia hits console this spring as EverQuest, LOTRO drive Daybreak revenue
EG7 - that's the Swedish games conglom that bought up Daybreak and then kinda got taken over by Daybreak, amusingly - released its year-end...
EverQuest II swoons for Erollisi Day’s valentine charms
This month, why not light a few candles, soak in an aromatic tub, and grind all of the love that you can in EverQuest...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends’ Ewok Festival of Love is live alongside new Jabba’s themepark content
If you thought that Star Wars Galaxies' Wookiee Life Day was the weirdest seasonal event in the game, then you are sadly mistaken, for...
Casually Classic: Why vanilla Classic’s quest system was an industry revolution
In every retrospective covering World of Warcraft's explosive success out of the gate, there's a lot of effort spent trying to put a finger...