diablo III

Official Site: Diablo III
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 15, 2012
Genre: Gothic Fantasy OARPG
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Mac, PS2, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Diablo III’s Season 17 content hits the public test server

Considering the last Diablo III update's round of public testing reportedly went over so well, the devs have continued the trend with Patch 2.6.5,...
We are great at our jobs.

Diablo III kicks off testing for patch 2.6.5 on April 5

It's time for a little testing in Diablo III starting on April 5th (that's how you know it's not a joke) when patch 2.6.5 arrives...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do you wish would come to console?

I've never been a console-first kind of gamer, so I've never felt a great pull to invest heavily in consoles, even when more major...
Oh, we haven't forgotten you.

Diablo III developer offers feedback on Anthem’s reward structure

Here's something neat: Travis Day offering feedback on the reward structure of Anthem. Why is that neat? Well, it's neat in part because BioWare has...
Come back, bear.

The MOP Up: Winter has arrived in Age of Conan

First of all, it's time to say goodbye to the Saga of Blood limited time server in Age of Conan. That realm packed it...
Here we go again.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 208: Blizzard’s chilly forecast

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard's troubles, New World, Star Citizen, Guild Wars 1, Tibia, RIFT, Elder Scrolls Online, and Astroneer, with mailbag questions on WoWfugees and the abandonment of Diablo III.

Perfect Ten: Hit franchises that were almost made into MMORPGs

For my money, there are few more tantalizing and agonizing thoughts than the great "What Ifs?" of the MMO genre. What if one title...
Knives out.

Diablo III patches in Season 16 while investors see a bright potential future for Diablo Immortal

The latest patch for Diablo III is currently available, and it adds the game's sixteenth season to the game. Of course, that's not all...

The MOP Up: Diablo III’s anniversary dungeon returns

Anyone who missed out on Diablo III's anniversary dungeon can get back in on the fun and rewards thanks to its reprise all month...

Global Chat: Little things that add up to a great MMO

Ever find yourself running down a list of "little things" that impress you and keep you busy in an MMO when you're trying to...
Sparks will fly.

Blizzard rolls out Diablo III season, Hearthstone balance update, and WoW hotfixes as WoW players game for charity

There's been a lot going on at Blizzard lately: Diablo III has just begun its latest season, the Season of Grandeur, during which all...
Pagan-tastic, I guess.

Wargaming’s new OARPG Pagan Online launches next year

Grumpy over Diablo Immortal and Diablo III? Path of Exile not your cup of tea? Maybe give Pagan Online a peek for your clicking...

Blizzard scales back Heroes of the Storm development cadence, esports, and dev team

If you wondered how Blizzard MOBA Heroes of the Storm was performing, today's announcement should serve as a pretty good clue it's not going...

Blizzard sources dish on Warcraft Go, Diablo IV, Diablo Immortal, China, and Activision’s culture shift

Kotaku has a wild article up today ahead of the holiday with input from nearly a dozen anonymous current and former Blizzard employees spilling...
Pay me to play me!

Diablo III PTS patch reworks class set bonuses, adds quality-of-life improvements

This Wednesday, November 21st, Blizzard will be bringing the Diablo III PTS up to give players the opportunity to preview and test the game's...

Smilegate MMORPG Lost Ark finally, finally starts Korean beta testing

You know that we've been anticipating, slavering, and hoping for Lost Ark for so long that when the Korean beta kicks off, it's a...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: MMOs that aimed at the future… and missed

The future is a weird place. It's similar to the present, but it has a very different outlook on the world, and it wants...

Blizzard talks Overwatch’s Echo character, big-screen ambitions, and crossplay potential

Most of the buzz coming out of BlizzCon's Overwatch reveals centered on the new playable bad-girl Ashe, who is totally not just McCree but...
It only became real very recently.

BlizzCon 2018: What the heck happened?

Every year, I cover BlizzCon for Massively Overpowered. This is not new information; you've all seen my liveblogs running every year for quite some...
Knives out.

BlizzCon 2018: Diablo Immortal lore, zone, class, and Q&A recap

Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng and Matthew Burger took the stage for the Diablo Immortal Q&A panel at BlizzCon tonight, clearly aware of the drama swirling...